Terminal Commands for Mac

If you are looking for a list with the terminal commands for mac, you have come to the right article. In this article we show you the most useful terminal commands for Mac on a day-to-day basis to carry out actions manually without relying on the macOS graphical interface.

How to open Terminal on Mac

The fastest method to access Terminal on Mac is to use the keyboard shortcut Command + Spacebar, type Terminal and click on the first result.

Terminal Processes

ps-ax Shows the processes that are currently running. The command “a” shows the processes of all users and the command “x” shows the processes that are not connected with the Terminal
ps -aux Show all processes with %cpu; %mem; page in and PID
top Shows real-time information about the processes that are running
top -ocpu -s 5 Shows processes sorted by CPU usage and updating every 5 seconds
top -o rsize Sort processes by memory usage
kill PID Exit the process with ID . The PID will be displayed as a column in Activity Monitor
ps -ax | grep Find a process by name or PID

Terminal Search

“find -name <""file"">“ Find all files named inside . We can use the asterisks
to search for parts of filenames “grep “”
Find all matches of “grep -rl “”

Find all files containing

Basic Terminal Commands / (Forward Slash)
Top level directory .
Access current directory ..
top directory ~
main directory [command] sudo
Run command with superuser security privileges [file] elder brother
Open the Terminal editor [file] open
[command] open a file -h
Get help on a command [command] man

Shows the help manual of the command

Permissions in Terminal ls -ld
Show the default permission of a source directory ls -ld/
Show read permissions; write and access of a given folder chmod 755
Change the permission of a file to 755 chmod -R 600
Change the permission of a folder and all its contents to 600 chown :

Change the ownership of a file to user and group If we add the command “-R” the contents of the folder will be included

macOS Terminal Files du
Using the list for each subdirectory and its contents [folder] du-sh
Readable output of all files in a directory du -s
Show one entry for each specified file du -sk* | sort -nr
List files and folders (summarizing size including subfolders). We can substitute sk* for sm* to list the directories in MB df -h
Shows the free disk space of your system df -H
Calculate free disk space in powers of 1,000 (instead of 1,024) mkdir
Create a new folder called mkdir -p /
Create nested folders mkdir
Create multiple folders at once “mkdir “”“””
Create a folder with a space in the file name rmdir
Delete a folder (only works with empty folders) rm -R
Delete a folder and its contents touch
Create a new file without any extension cp
Copy a file to the folder cp
Copy a file to the current folder cp ~//
Copy a file to the folder and rename the copied file “cp -R <""new dir"">“
Copy a folder to a new folder with spaces in the file name cp -i
Warns you before copying a file with an overwrite warning message cp /Users/
Copy multiple files to a folder [folder path][new folder] ditto -V

Copy the contents of a folder to a new folder. The “-V” command displays a status line for each copied file.

Access and delete files and folders with Terminal rm
Delete a file permanently rm -i
Delete a file requesting confirmation rm -f
Force unconfirmed deletion of a file rm
Delete multiple files without confirmation mv
move/rename mv
Move a file to the folder (overwriting the existing file with the same name if it exists) mv -i
The “-i” command displays a warning that it will overwrite the destination file. mv *.png ~/
Move all PNG files in the current folder to a different folder CD
home directory [folder] CD
change directory cd ~
main directory CD/
root of unity cd-
Previous directory or folder you last navigated to pwd
show working directory CD..
Upload to parent directory CD../..
go up two levels ls
Show the name of the files and subdirectories of the directory ls -C
Show the name of the files and subdirectories of the directory in columns ls -a
List all entries (including those with .(dot) and ..(double dot)) ls-1
Show the list of files in the format of one entry per line ls -F
Show a / (slash) immediately after each path that is a directory ls -S
Sort files or entries by size ls -l
List in long format. Includes file mode; the name of the owner and the group; the date and time the file was modified; the path name; etc. ls -l /
File system list from root with symlinks ls -lt
List of files sorted by modification time (newest first) ls -lh
Long listing with readable file sizes in KB; MB or GB ls-lo
List of file names with size; owner and flags ls-la

Detailed list of directory content (including hidden files)

Keyboard shortcuts in Terminal Tab
Autocomplete file and folder names Ctrl + A
Go to the beginning of the line you are typing on Ctrl + E
Go to the end of the line you are typing on Ctrl + U
Delete the line before the cursor Ctrl + K
Delete the line after the cursor Ctrl + W
Delete the word before the cursor Ctrl + T
Swap the last two characters before the cursor Esc + T
Swap the last two words before the cursor Ctrl + L
clear the screen Ctrl + C
Stop whatever is running Ctrl + D
Exit the current shell Option + →
Move the cursor one word forward Option + ←
Move cursor one word back Ctrl + F
Move the cursor one character forward Ctrl + B
Move the cursor back one character Ctrl + Z
Put what is running in a suspended background process Ctrl + _
Undo last command Option + Shift + Cmd + C
copy plain text Shift + Cmd + V
paste the selection exit

End a shell session

terminal ping ping
Ping the host and display its status whois
Obtain whois information of a domain curl -O
Download a file over HTTP; HTTPS or FTP ssh @
Establish an SSH connection to with user scp @:/remote/path
Copy to a remote harp
Shows a list of all devices on your local network including the IP and MAC address of all devices ifconfig en0

Shows the IP and MAC address of your device

command history Ctrl + R
Search for previously used commands history
Shows the commands that we have previously written[value] !
Execute the last used command that starts with a value !!

Run the last command used

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