The day the government of USA announced to have donated 200 million doses of vaccines against the Covid-19 to more than 100 countries around the world, including Mexico, the daily “The Washington Post” released a report revealing that the White House decided to throw away thousands of doses of the vaccine rather than donate them to Mexico.
This was made known by various testimonials, including health officials and executives from hospitals in southern California, which the newspaper cites in its report. According to the text, they witnessed the refusal of Washington at your request to donate thousands of vaccines that were about to expire; all this in a context in which the demand for the biological decreased north of the Bravo River.
The reason why these officials and executives suggested donating the injections to Mexico, it was due to the proximity of the neighboring country with California, where in addition the launch of the vaccination had gone at a slower pace, and because the infection rate was still high in this area they share a lot of commercial activity and transit of people.
The resounding response from the White House
Once the proposal was presented to the United States government, the Working Group on Vaccines of the White House blocked it, reported in “The Washington Post.” This situation was repeated on numerous occasions, since both officials state and local states across the country reported having the same trouble, assures the American newspaper.
What became clear is that the administration of Joe biden has impeded efforts to donate leftover vaccines to India and other countries suffering from acute outbreaks, the article cites, while officials from the White House stated that this happened because the vaccines in the USA They are owned by the federal government, not by the cities or states in which they are distributed.
The officials explained that the Government of USA is responsible for the use that is given to vaccines, so these donation efforts must be made from Washington. In addition, it was reported that the White House has its own program to donate vaccines, usually through the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development.
The US claims to have donated more than 200 million doses
Just this Friday, the Joe Biden government boasted that USA has donated so far more than 200 million doses of vaccines to at least 100 countries around the world, including Mexico, a country where 10.9 million have reached dose of vaccines donated by the administration Biden, which places it among the main receivers.
The White House and the United States Agency for Development (USAID) celebrated the milestone in a statement, with which, they assured, USA advances in its goal of being “the arsenal of vaccines for the world” and to donate more dose than any other country.
“These 200 million doses of vaccines against him Covid-19 have helped bring health and hope to millions of people, but our work is far from done, “he said in the release the administrator of Usaid, Samantha Power. “To end the pandemic, and prevent the emergence of new variants, as well as future sprouts Within our nation’s borders, we must continue to do our part to vaccinate to the world, “he added.
Of those 200 million dose that have already been distributed, about 43 million have gone to Latin American and Caribbean countries, according to a tally by the Americas Society and the Council of the Americas. A quarter of those dose, around 10.9 million units, have gone to Mexico, and Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica, Uruguay and Paraguay.
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There is a deficit of 20 million adults without vaccine against COVID-19 in Mexico