
The winners of the enlightED Awards 2021 will be announced today

Today the winners of the IV edition of the enlightED Awards will be announced, in their commitment to innovation and educational entrepreneurship. This event gives its participants the opportunity to share, with the rest of the educational community, the most innovative projects of education and digital innovation in response to the situation caused by Covid19.

The world conference on education, technology and innovation, organized by Fundación Telefónica, IE University and South Summit, returns with a new hybrid format. Since its creation in 2018, enlightED has established itself as a world benchmark in the field of educational innovation, with more than 470,000 unique viewers of 46 countries and 300 top-level international speakers.

As a novelty, in this edition, to the categories of best startups in education, innovation and edTech, awards are added to the best practices of educational innovation in corporate training, higher education and primary and secondary education. This year, more than 700 applications have been received from more than 15 different countries.

The jury has already shortlisted 12 projects in each of the four existing categories: ‘Startups, startups and entrepreneurship ecosystems’; ‘Corporate training, lifelong education, upskills and formal and non-formal permanent training’; ‘Universities, Vocational Training and higher education institutions’; and ‘Schools and projects of Primary, Secondary and Post-compulsory Secondary Education’.

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All the applications received have been analyzed by an evaluation committee made up of professionals with experience in the fields and topics of each of the four categories. Of all the proposals, three winners will be chosen per category Based on its creative advantage, systematization, contextualization, replicability and social impact thanks to technology and the winners will be announced on October 21, during the last day of enlightED Hybrid Edition 2021.

This edition will bring together once again prominent national and international experts and thinkers such as Vinton Cerf, Daniel Goleman, Dean Kamen, Wendy Kopp or Olli-Pekka Heinonen, among others. Over three days, on October 19, 20 and 21, enlightED will reflect and share solutions on three of the great gaps that have developed due to the COVID19 pandemic: the challenge of narrowing the gap in innovation to transform systems educational; the challenge of solving the lack of skills in relation to new social needs and, thirdly, how to face the lack of digital skills to regain connection with young people and promote positive change.

Finalist projects in entrepreneurship category

“Recently created companies, startups and entrepreneurship ecosystems”: The finalist projects provide innovations, improvements and new ways of learning in fields such as online training, assessment technologies, collaboration and online work, as well as the production of original ideas. All this, within the sectors of education, social impact, professional training, learning and MOOCs.

  • ABA English (Spain)
  • Eduflow (Denmark)
  • EduSynch (United States)
  • Mindstone (UK)
  • SimpleCloud Education (Spain)
  • Symba (United States)
  • CoVince (Netherlands)
  • ADDITIO (Spain)
  • Robotify (Ireland)
  • Skill Safari (India)
  • SuperBetter (United States)

“Finalist projects in educational innovation”: The projects presented have different objectives, from developing personal skills and abilities, collaborating in a meaningful way in quality teaching, promoting the use of technology, promoting educational innovation, contributing to food security, generating opportunities for people with limited resources. economic, promote educational inclusion or motivate students to continue their educational path, among others.

‘Corporate training, lifelong education, upskills and formal and non-formal lifelong learning’:

  • FP Euskadi Blockchain Project: TKNIKA
  • Hacking for Humanity: Girls in Tech Spain
  • Technocreative Alternative for Education: ESPACIO NIXSO AC
  • Trix and Trax Superhero Training Program: Trix and Trax Academy
  • Contributing to Home Education in times of Pandemic: CEDIA
  • CoderDojo Valencia, inclusive programming club for young people: Asociación Bylinedu
  • Step Up: Emotionhack
  • Filmmaking Smartphone: Education Soul SAS
  • Transformation of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Ceuta: Ceuta Open Future
  • ArtCentrica: Centrica
  • Integração de Tecnologia na Educação – InTecEdu: Federal University of Santa Catarina
  • Makerteca:

“Universities, Vocational Training and institutions of higher education”.

  • Computer Science as a pedagogical support in schools CHIP N ° 8203 Centro de Computación Educativa.
  • Digital Educational Platform Early Bird for Cancer Tecnológico de Monterrey.
  • Transmedia narratives, ludic strategies and alternative realities for the development of mathematical thinking and understanding of texts Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Apolo 21. A strategic project of educational innovation Universidad Panamericana.
  • La Salle University Utopia Mission.
  • Sum and Follow Mathematics Online Center for Mathematical Modeling, University of Chile.
  • Improved effectiveness of practical learning in training cycles through immersive virtual reality Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU.
  • Dual Training Based on Challenges University of Deusto.
  • The Last Days of Magic University of Extremadura.
  • International online collaborative learning Minuto de Dios University Corporation – UNIMINUTO MediaLab of the University of Oviedo University of Oviedo.
  • Kapuscinski, the story that transcends University of San Martín de Porres

«Schools and projects of Primary, Secondary and Post-compulsory Secondary Education»

  • Project Fluye Happy and Healthy Kids Fundación Trilema.
  • Eutopía, educational innovation network Vicaría de Educación del Arzobispado de Buenos Aires.
  • VALE project: a STEAM + H strategy for the implementation of ethnoastronomy in the school Institución Educativa La Libertad.
  • Community gardens STEAM Municipal Educational Institution Montessori headquarters San Francisco.
  • Art, Tics and Educational Inclusion Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero / ESN1.
  • PROJECTIVIDA Educational Institution Presbyter Luis Eduardo Pérez Molina.
  • School of Superheroes with soul Colegio Sagrada Familia Fundación Vedruna Education.
  • Traveling Tulas Roberto Durán Alvira.
  • Improving the Standard of Maths in Multiple States in Mexico Whizz Education.
  • INOVA IEMA State Institute of Education, Science and Technology do Maranhão-IEMA Itaqui-Bacanga.
  • Telejornal da EMEI Zilah Spósito Municipal school for children’s education zilah spósito.
  • Gigas for Schools Gigas and EDUCSI.

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