
These streaming premieres are perfect to watch this Three Kings Day

Have you finished unwrapping gifts and want to rest from such a day with a good series, movie or documentary? Wish granted. As if it were the last present of the day, we bring you with a bow the six premieres that you should not miss us on the platforms of Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+. Take note and enjoy the day.

What to watch on Netflix

The Red N platform has started 2023 strong and already has several series premieres in circulation. If you want to get hooked on one, know that from day 1 season 1 of Kaleidoscope, with 8 episodes that you can watch in any order you want. Yes, what you are reading. The episodes of the series that stars Paz Vega, Rufus Sewell and Giancarlo Esposito, among others, narrate the planning of the perfect robbery and despite this, they do not have to be seen in a specific order, since each episode gives us a different perspective. different from what happens. Of course, it is only recommended that number 8, entitled “White” be left for last.

In case you prefer something more traditional, you also have the series The lying life of adultsbased on the bestselling novel of the same name by Elena Ferrante.

What to watch on Amazon Prime Video

In case you have one, surely you will like to know what you have new to see today Friday (or even this weekend). Among its novelties, we are left with After: infinite love, just in case you already started the saga and you are hooked on the toxic love story of its two adolescent protagonists. In this fourth installment you will see how things continue (and end) between Tessa and Hardin.

You can also move to an oil platform thanks to a new series called precisely The platform. It is a thriller in which a group of workers at an oil station at sea get trapped by a mysterious fog. From there, very strange events will begin to happen.

What to see on Disney+

At home all you do is watch Disney+? Don’t worry. There are also premieres in this service to entertain you. On the one hand, you can continue to enjoy the animated series Star Wars: The Bad Consignmentwhich premiered its second season on the 4th.

In case you prefer another theme, know that it will also arrive today Abbey Road: If the walls could singa documentary about the famous Abbey Road studios and all the musical history that is contained within its walls.

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