
watch the rains and the cold from these websites

know exactly the Weather forecast of this moment or of the days to come, is very important to many. Especially at these times when the weather is so unstable and when rain and even cold are expected in some areas of the peninsula. We are going to talk about a series of web pages that will help you to be informed in this regard.

And it is that based on the last meteorological reports that we are receiving, it seems that in the next few days a new dana It will bring heavy rains to certain parts of our country. Although summer is getting closer, we still have to spend a few days with temperatures somewhat lower than expected. It is true that the rain is not going to hurt us at all, although it will always be preferable that we are prepared.

This is something that becomes especially important if we have to take the car, go to work, or if we are going on a trip. Therefore, in these same lines we are going to talk about a series of web pages that will allow us to keep ourselves informed for this type of meteorological data. Obviously, for all this we will not have to pay a single euro and we will be able to customize your use for our area in particular.

In this way we can prepare ourselves for the latest events related to the weather in our area just by being a little foresighted. In addition, we must bear in mind that these websites that we are going to talk about not only show us the current weather, but also offer us a forecast for the next few days.


Here we find an alternative that he proposes in his main interface a powerful city search engine to check the weather in our region. In addition, if we activate the automatic location it will show us the current time in the main cities of the country. All this through a intuitive map that we can expand and that also offers us the weather in real time for the next few hours.

AccuWeather website

It is one of the oldest meteorological services and is used by many websites and mobile applications to extract the information shown here.


One of the additional functions that this website presents to us, which offers us everything related to weather information, is that we also find news on the subject. So we will be perfectly informed about the weather what you will do in our country, while we will be able to interact with a map that allows us to personalize your information.

web weather

In said map we will have the possibility of specifying the day of which we wish to receive the information, the most exact moment of the same or the symbology to visualize. We can also click on each of the cities to learn more about the time of each one of them.


One of the main advantages that this important weather forecast website offers us is that we can view the weather in different formats. For this we have multiple maps that offer us detailed information on different aspects meteorology. We can load one to see it in infrared, for water vapor, and more.

web meteosat

In the same way we will have the possibility of obtaining more detailed information on each of the provinces of our country, as well as the most important alerts in the area.

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