
MuyPymes documents: “How to save in your business”

Electricity and gas bills do not stop growing, diesel has surpassed gasoline prices, labor and materials that your business needs are becoming more expensive… have you ever considered that all this is not worth it? the sorrow?, that you can’t anymore?

The MuyPymes Documents are a series of downloadable reports for our readers who intend to respond to some of the most current problems of small and medium-sized companies. How could it be otherwise, we open with the topic of saving and its relationship with sustainability, and how both reduce numerous bills, mainly energy.

Within all the pessimistic environment that surrounds business lately, the truth is that there are adjustments that you can make to keep it afloat. In this article we present some ideas to save energy in your SME. On some occasions, you will need a small investment, but the good news is that the projects are eligible, so you will have to look, once again, at the medium and long term to see the ROI.

Savings and sustainability

Faced with the increase in inflation and the escalation of prices of basic products and services, small and medium-sized entrepreneurs have to establish a savings strategy if they want to survive. If we look closely at the elements that make up our business, we will realize that it is possible to cut costs with a great ally, the sustainability.

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The use of solar panels, committing to sustainable offices, saving on printing with manufacturers’ proposals and monitoring our processes with software in the cloud are some of the ideas that we propose. In any case, in the end, each company will have to adjust the balance of expenses and income according to its interests. Download our ebook!

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