
Animation generates 20% of the work in the Spanish audiovisual sector

During the last few years, the animation sector it has become one of the main segments of the national audiovisual market. The animation scene, together with the sound effects sector, generates 20% of the jobs in the audiovisual industry, according to the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX). In addition, it produces 9% of the total income of the national sector, with a turnover of 900 million euros. In relation to this figure, Statista data predicts that the global size of this industry will exceed 650,000 million euros in 2030.

Hand in hand with the economic growth of this area, the social recognition of the sector has also improved. For many years, animation had been considered a minor art throughout the world. “For 20 years, Much more attention is paid to animation productions or their contribution to other fields. The fact that specific festivals are organized and that this work is recognized with prizes is indicative of this improvement in social recognition”indicates Jose Hernández Abolacio, professor at the audiovisual school Treintaycinco mm.

Specifically, Spain has a decentralized animation sector, in which the Madrid, Catalan and Canary Islands industries stand out. The animation scene already generates 8,540 direct jobs, in addition to the more than 21,000 generated indirectly thanks, in large part, to the 16 series, 52 shorts and 6 animated films produced in Spain during the last academic year, according to the Who is Who 2022. Animation from Spain report. In addition, 90% of national productions have been exported. Spanish animation is increasingly relevant, positioning itself as one of the markets with the greatest potential in the future. A complete success.

The animation industry represents much more than children’s movies

The maturation of the sector is a reality, as demonstrated by the many films and series produced with an absolutely adult focus. In the same way, animation has derived in many disciplines: It is used in both visual effects and motion graphics. “Today it could be said that there is animation everywhere”, emphasizes Jose Hernández. In news programs, on television bumpers, on mobile devices, in advertising content or even leaving its mark on the health sector. “Animation serves both to tell stories and to explain processes or communicate certain things”, notes the teacher of the audiovisual school Treintaycinco mm.

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Thus, the sector foresees a horizon that was unthinkable 20 years ago. At the labor level, the industry has a significant demand and, as a consequence of the transversality of this industry, calls for hybrid profiles that combine knowledge of graphic design and audiovisuals.

In Thirty-five mm there are trainings that are not specifically intended for animation, but that are closely linked to the development of animated creatives”, points out José Hernández. In addition, the sector demands knowledge related to the world of sound due to the need to know how to treat music or voiceovers. In this context, the industry is experiencing historic growth that will result in many different products, so extensive and permanently updated knowledge of the sector will be key to the good development of the professional. The more you know, the better.

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