If you like save on electricity bill, something you can do is disconnect as much as possible when you are not at home. Especially, you can take this into account if you are going to spend time away, for example on vacation. Now, there are certain devices that you should never disconnect from electricity. We are going to talk about it in this article. We are also going to give you some tips so that you can save electricity and pay less each month.
Keep in mind that not all devices consume the same. A light bulb is not the same as an oven. However, the sum of all of them can be decisive in energy expenditure. Whenever you can avoid phantom consumptionfor example, could help you save up to 10% of the total bill.
Don’t turn these devices off
When you go on vacation, what you should achieve is that electricity consumption is as little as possible. Avoid leaving connected home appliances that you really don’t need. You can even avoid problems, in case there is a short circuit or simply the deterioration of having the devices connected. But sometimes you shouldn’t disconnect certain things.
A clear example is the refrigerator. Yes, it’s certainly one of your most consuming appliances, but you may need to keep it on. If you have food inside, it could be damaged. Therefore, unless you have it empty, you should not disconnect it from the electricity when you go on a trip.
If you plan on disconnecting everything else, be sure to turn down the circuit breakers except the one for the kitchen. In this way, the refrigerator will continue to work without a problem but you will have everything else turned off.
Security cameras
Of course, the surveillance cameras or any security related device, you should leave it on. We can name flood sensors, gas sensors, fire sensors, motion detectors… All of this must always be on, especially when you are away from home.
Therefore, do not disconnect this type of device or you will have security problems. They are essential when a house is left empty and you would have to find a way to always receive electricity, even if the rest of the house is left without power so that there is no phantom consumption.
The router is closely related to what we have previously. It is the device that will allow the home automation devices such as smoke sensors, surveillance cameras, etc. If you disconnect it from the electricity, it will stop working and you will not be able to remotely control your devices.
Of course, when you go on vacation it is a good idea to locate the router well. Keep it away from a window where it gets direct sunlight or it can overheat. The goal is for it to work correctly and not have any problems that could cause it to stop working properly.
In short, these are the devices that you should keep connected at home when you go on vacation. Everything else, unless you see something more necessary that you are going to use, you could disconnect from the current and thus avoid phantom consumption. If you use home automation, keep in mind that sometimes wired Internet is worse than Wi-Fi and you must control it.