
Did you know that Alexa has a Guardian mode? So you can activate it on your Echo

As you well know, you can activate a good number of Alexa hidden modes that allow you to enjoy features and functions that, at first, you would not know were available. Today we are here to expand this list of possibilities with what is known as “Guard” or “Guardian” mode, another useful function that you can put on your Threw out so that it works for you vigilant at home.

What is Alexa’s Guard or Guardian mode

He amazon voice assistant It has many more features and capabilities than we initially think we know about. Beyond executing numerous tasks (such as playing music, writing down a reminder or creating a shopping list), Alexa also has so-called hidden modes, not so well known functions that can extend their abilities either to offer you new useful features or even just to entertain you.

Can Activate Thus the Madrid mode (yes, you read that correctly), the Halloween mode, the Soccer mode or even the one called Self-Destruct mode. Everyone discovers our possibilities from our beloved companion and only requires a few steps to be discovered and taken advantage of.

Echo Dot Clock

Guardian mode -known in English as Alexa Guardalthough in the US it offers a more complete function- it is possibly one of the most useful on the list since it turns your Echo into a home watchman through its microphone so that you feel much more secure when you are not at home – or when you are inside it, of course.

How Guardian Mode is Activated on Alexa

Just follow a few simple steps to Activate Alexa’s home security system, commonly referred to as Guard or Guardian mode:

  1. Go to the Alexa app on your phone and open “More”
  2. Choose “routines”
  3. Now tap on “More” again to create a routine
  4. Give the new routine a name in “Enter name for routine”
  5. You must select “When” to set what starts the routine. By tapping on it, select “sound detection«. This is the action that will activate the security system
  6. Choose the device where you want to set this watchdog routine
  7. Under “Add Action”, select what you want Alexa to do when it detects sound. The most useful thing is to choose “Notification” so that you receive a notice on your smartphone.

With these steps done, you will have guardian mode activated on your Echo, which will notify you as long as it detects any type of sound – you can even be more specific with the type of noise you want to be notified about, so it’s not sending you messages with everything it hears through its microphone.

If you do not have a surveillance camera at home, this is undoubtedly a cheap and simple way to have a watchman in your home.

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