
Digitization only reaches 16% of hotel establishments

He hospitality sector in Spain has made progress in recent years in terms of digitization, although there is still a long way to go.

Many companies, due to the growing recovery in the sector, have been forced to adopt digital solutions to improve efficiency and customer experiencewhich has led to a greater automation and digitization in areas such as reservation management, customer satisfaction tracking, customer relationship management, and inventory and purchasing management.

According to the first massive study carried out by BCC Innovation and Delectatech to measure the digital maturity of bars, restaurants and cafeterias, only 15.93% of Spanish catering establishments are highly digitized, while 32.41% are on their way to being so. The study also measured other axes, revealing that only 42.8% of the establishments have a web page; that 33.6% of those who are on Google or Tripadvisor do not control and/or update their data; and that only 7.3% use a digital reservation system.

In addition, companies in the restaurant sector have an average Digital Maturity Index (IMD) of 29.8% out of 100%, being in the second level on a scale of four digitization levels, according to the study carried out by SEGITTUR, with the support of KPMG and the collaboration of the tourism sector. professionals affirm that this position of the hotel sector can be explained by several factors such as the lack of identification of customer data management as a priority for companies, that is, in many companies the importance of data management for ideal operation.

On the other hand, it should be noted that in recent years and due to technological advances, it is beginning to be seen that consumers are increasingly willing to pay more for the convenience of online ordering and home delivery technology. . In addition, highlights that thanks to technology, restaurants can monitor all business operations in real time for greater control. An operating system for restaurants like is essential to correctly digitize business operations. Since it allows restaurants to have other systems connected, such as inventory management, which can mean savings of more than 30% for companies in food costs.

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Main benefits

One of the most interesting benefits of digitization is having a database in the cloud with real-time access to reports. professionals affirm that having a database in the cloud has become crucial for companies, since it allows real-time access to business reports in a safe and secure way, facilitating decision making informed at all times. presents some of the advantages of having a database in the cloud:

  • real time access: Having real-time business data and reports is a great competitive advantage. The data is stored on a remote server that, with an Internet connection, allows access from anywhere and at any time in real time.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Being a server in the cloud, it allows connecting different premises in the same place, allowing businesses to grow without affecting the ease of access to data in a centralized and real-time manner.
  • Greater security: Cloud storage service providers are reputable companies that have advanced security measures in place to protect stored data.
  • Reduction of problems and risks: The implementation of external databases helps to avoid common problematic situations in traditional database systems, such as the loss of access to the information in case of failures in the local servers.
  • data synchronization: The data in the cloud allows any change made to be reflected immediately on any other device, making management more efficient. For this reason, from they emphasize the importance of having a restaurant management system that allows data storage in the cloud and that offers flexibility, accessibility, security and scalability.

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