
Do you have a WiFi repeater? Never do this or you will have bad internet

The goal is for that Wi-Fi repeater to really do something. If you buy a device and you don’t use it correctly, not only are you not going to improve connection but the speed may even start to get worse and you have more cuts. Therefore, knowing how to use it properly is essential.

Not thinking about the location, a mistake

The main mistake is not taking too much into account the location where you are going to put the Wi-Fi extender. This is decisive, since that will directly influence the area in which you will be able to connect. For example, you should not put it too far from the router. The repeater needs to receive a signal, to later distribute it to other devices. If that signal you receive is very weak, it’s not really going to improve the connection. That happens when you’re too far from the router.

You should also not put it in an area where there may be interference. If you put the repeater near Bluetooth devices, there may be conflicts when it also uses the 2.4 GHz frequency. Move it away from Bluetooth speakers, controllers, wireless phones… All this can make things worse.

Another aspect to take into account is that you should avoid putting it near walls or walls thick. That will also limit the proper functioning of the wireless network. In addition, having metal plates or appliances that use water (such as the dishwasher or washing machine) will also interfere with the network.

Errors when locating the Wi-Fi repeater

Choose your wireless repeater wisely

An essential question is choose the repeater very well what are you going to buy. You will see that there are many options, but not all of them will work correctly. You could have problems if you choose one that is not guaranteed. You could have cuts, loss of speed and, ultimately, not improve the connection of the router.

It’s important that it be double band. If you can connect to both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, you can have a higher speed and also avoid interference that affects the 2.4 GHz frequency. Also, you should look at the maximum speed that the repeater supports , since you can find important differences.

A point that you should also look at is whether or not it has ethernet port. That will allow you to connect wired devices. It’s interesting that it’s Gigabit Ethernet, as otherwise you’d be limited to a maximum of 100 Mbps symmetric. If you have higher speed fiber optics, you need it to be Gigabit.

Also, looking at comments and ratings on the Internet is key. That will help you choose the best Wi-Fi repeaters and not have problems. Simply by doing a search, you will be able to see many comments and also analysis that they have done and are available on the Internet.

Therefore, review these factors whenever you are going to use a Wi-Fi repeater. Not making mistakes is essential for it to work correctly and help you improve the speed and quality of the connection in your home.

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