Wi-Fi does not always work as we would like. We may have speed or coverage problems or even make it impossible to connect certain devices. Why is this happening? The truth is that there can be many reasons. It could be a problem with the router, a failure in the receiver of the device we use, there could be interference… But in this article we are going to focus on a specific reason. An objective that you can have in many places and is affecting your wireless network.
It’s about having Mirrors near Wi-Fi. It is an object that can greatly affect the connection. It can cause the signal to arrive weaker, cause you to have difficulty connecting a device, or cause the speed not to be what you expect. Luckily, avoiding this is as simple as not having a mirror so close.
Mirrors affect Wi-Fi
Yes, the Mirrors can greatly affect the Wi-Fi network. Just like appliances like a microwave or cordless phone, as well as materials like metal, having a mirror nearby is not a good idea. What it does is basically reflect the signal. It’s as if it blocks the Wi-Fi waves and prevents them from passing through.
Therefore, if you have a decorative mirror near the router, it is best to move it from there. Either you remove the mirror, or you put the router somewhere else. It is not a good idea for them to be close, as it will act as a jammer and the wireless signal will start to go bad when you have to face this object.
Sometimes you may even have a piece of furniture with a big mirror on one of the sides. In that same piece of furniture, you may decide to place the router. At first, you may think that nothing is wrong, that it is a good location, but the truth is that you could have problems when you go to connect to the wireless network.
But be careful, the mirrors are not only going to affect the router; They could also affect any other devices you are going to connect nearby. For example, if you have a television near a mirror and you are going to connect it via Wi-Fi, you may notice that the signal is not working well, there are cuts or the speed is not enough to play streaming videos in good quality.
Locate devices well
The strategy must be always place your devices very well. First of all, the router. But also any other device that you are going to use in your daily life to browse the Internet. We are talking about computers, mobile phones, tablets and any other home automation device that you may have somewhere in your home.
It is essential that you keep them away from sources that could cause failures in the wireless network. Do not place them near a mirror, or other devices that use Bluetooth, as they operate on the 2.4 GHz frequency and this causes interference. You should even keep them away from heat sources, which will affect the network.
Therefore, moving your devices away from mirrors is important to have a good Wi-Fi connection. This may result in the Wi-Fi network not appearing. It is essential to always ensure that the signal arrives as best as possible, with good stability and speed.