
Get to know the digital profiles most in demand by companies in Spain

Fundación Telefónica has launched its Employment Map, that analyzes the job offers published in the last three months on the portals Infojobs, Tecnoempleo and ticjob, identifying and displaying this information in a visual and interactive way to draw a picture of the current situation of the profiles and digital skills most in demand by companies throughout the Spanish territory and its different provinces.

This tool is located at a key moment for the labor sector, which represents the accelerated technological transformation to which all companies have had to adapt and which requires, more than ever, technology professionals. According to the report ‘The Digital Society in Spain 2022’, published by Fundación Telefónica, in 2021 Spain had 720,000 ICT specialists, which was equivalent to only 3.8% of total national employment, compared to 4.8% on average for the European Union. Only 17% of Spanish companies have specialists in digital technologies on staff, compared to 19% of the European ones. By size, in large companies the percentages are 67% in Spain and 76% in Europe, while among SMEs they drop to 16% and 18%, respectively.

The digital profiles most in demand by companies in Spain

In the latest data published in the month of Marchthe Employment Map has registered a total of 91,639 job offers for digital professions in Spain.

The five most demanded profiles have been:

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  • Software developer, with more than 16,500 vacancies.
  • ICT technical professional, exceeding 9,400.
  • Digital Project Manager, above 9,200.
  • Systems administrator, with almost 8,500.
  • ICT consultant, with around 8,000 job offers.

In turn, the Employment Map also registers and analyzes the digital skills most requested by companies Throughout the national territory. In the last three months, Java has been the most requested, being present in almost 12,000 of the published job offers. This skill is followed by JavaScript required in more than 8,000 openings; cloud computing and GIT, present in more than 6,000 offers each, and Angular demanded in around 6,000 jobs.

Remote work, present in 1 out of 3 digital job offers

Another piece of information of special interest that the Employment Map includes is that it discloses which job offers have telecommuting. Continuing with the data published in the last three months, 33% of all digital career opportunities have the possibility of working remotely.

Among the most requested profiles with the possibility of teleworking are software developers with more than 8,000 offers. And, in second and third place, it is occupied by vacancies for ICT consultant and systems administrator, with more than 2,000 positions each.

Madrid, Catalonia and Valencia: the autonomous communities that most need digital professionals

One of the relevant functions of the platform is that it allows to know the most demanded digital professions in each province, as well as the skills required to work in them. According to the data recorded in the last three months, Madrid is positioned as the autonomous community with the most job offers for digital professionals with a total of 25,335, followed by Catalonia with 14,137, where more than 12,000 belong to the province of Barcelona, ​​and Valencia. with 4,485, where its homonymous province registers the highest number of published vacancies, 2,292. The national ranking is followed by Andalusia, with a total of 4,425; the Basque Country, with 3,316; and Galicia with 1,729 beds.

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