
Google Bard will be able to program with the latest update of its chatbot

Google continues to make strides in the artificial intelligence (AI) market and It continues in its efforts to place itself ahead of its top competitors. Now the next step has been marked by Google Bard, the company’s intelligent chatbotwith whose new update the multinational takes a new step forward.

After the Alphabet subsidiary launched new functions based on artificial intelligence for some of its applications and consolidated in this regard with Google DeepMind, the new comes from the hand of its chatbot with the firm objective of achieving functionality and responsiveness from Microsoft’s Bing Chat.

Google Bard, this will be the new tool for developers

Google has recently announced that it is in phases of updating its Google Bard to provide it with capabilities for creating, debugging and understanding programming codes. When Bard went on the market, it did so as a chatbot, on par with ChatGPT and Bing AI, effective and efficient that uses artificial intelligence to provide answers to complex questions.

Google now gives it one more turn and with the new update that it will prepare, Bard You will also have the ability to generate programming code with text prompts, debug existing code to find errors, adjust results, and write automatic functions. applicable for Google Sheets spreadsheets.

Google Research product manager Paige Bailey admitted that the company is “rolling these capabilities into more than 20 programming languages, including C++, Go, Java, Javascript, Python, and Typescript.”

The search engine company wants to make Google Bard thus become a useful and necessary tool for developers.. With the update of your intelligent chatbot, it will be able to help in programming and software development tasks. The new update from the technology giant will help those who are starting out and learning programming.

Another advance of Google Bard that makes it much more complete and versatile, has been the presentation of a wide range of drafts for text documents. This is a very useful tool for those who use Bard to create text documents.

Google Warnings

In this rise of artificial intelligence, the American company warns in this regard that the new Google Bard feature may sometimes provide inaccurate or misleading information. Thus, the Google team says that “when it comes to coding, Bard can give you functional code that doesn’t produce the expected result, or give you code that is suboptimal or incomplete.”

As a consequence of this and in response, Google has emphasized that this is an “early experiment” and therefore recommends double checking the answers that Bard provides, as well as thoroughly testing and reviewing the code for errors, bugs or errors. vulnerabilities.

However, although the company is aware of these improvements ahead and that it has been very rushed, it does not want to stop participating in this race of developers based on artificial intelligence. From Google they consider that it is time to start shortening distances with their rivalsand it is that for this they have the necessary infrastructure and experience to make Bard a competitor at the level of Bing IA.

The investment that Microsoft has made of 10 million dollars in ChatGPT and the launch of a conversational interface for its Bing search engine, Google does not want to be left behind. In all these steps to position itself as the benchmark in artificial intelligence, specialists assure that Google must be cautious and they believe that the company has much more to lose if it rushes to launch a generative artificial intelligence.

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