
Lenovo signs up for supercomputing as a service

Lenovo wants to bring the full power of supercomputing to any business. To achieve this, the Asian multinational has just presented its own offer for High Performance Computing as a service (HPCaaS) in an on-premises modality, that is, in the CPD of its clients.

The new service will begin to be offered from Lenovo TruScale, the company’s as-a-service computing platform and, according to the company, has been designed to eliminate what is the main inconvenience when consuming this type of product in a cloud mode: an excessive use of resources that prevents placing additional workloads on a given infrastructure.

In the announcement of the new service, Scott Tease, vice president and general manager of HPC at Lenovo, said that HPCaaS, together with TruScale, will give HPC users the flexibility that is often lacking in this type of cloud offering, without increasing complexity: “We have designed this offer to make high-performance computing resources easier and faster to deploy, giving researchers the freedom to think big without technology becoming a barrier to their success.”

In this new service, Lenovo explains that companies will be able to scale clusters as they need them, that the limitations of resource availability disappear and that, therefore, developers will not have to face the dreaded bottlenecks. At the same time, the company promises a financial scheme in which companies actually pay for what they use, resource consumption is easily visualized in real time, and access to highly specialized hardware is facilitated.

On the other hand, Lenovo ensures that its HPCaaS offer is among the most secure in the market, since the clusters deployed in TruScale HPC operate without the need to be exposed in the public cloud, so users have full control over their data. , while the charges associated with their entry and exit in this service disappear.

It is also important to note that Lenovo’s new HPCaaS offering is not so much a new interface for managing HPC clusters as it is a way to offer HPC customers a way to increase the hardware in their data centers and avoid scarcity and limitations that some of its customers have faced, such as the inability to access the resources they need when it’s critical to do so.

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