After having abandoned TV, it seems that 15-24 year olds are also gradually turning away from streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney or Amazon Prime Video in favor of video applications like TikTok and YouTube. In any case, this is revealed by the latest SVoD barometer from Médimetrie / Harris Interactive published in October 2022.
We have known for several years now that young people have gradually turned away from traditional TV for the benefit of streaming platforms like Netflix or Disney+. In January 2022, a study by Médiamétrie proved that children were consuming much more streaming than before. Thus, young people between the ages of 6 and 14 spent an average of 1 hour and 10 minutes in front of the TV each day in 2021 compared to 1 hour and 28 minutes in 2022.
This is half as much as in 2011, when children watched TV on average 2 hours and 18 minutes per day. Another report published by Nielsen in August 2022 confirmed this trend, stating that streaming services accounted for 34.8% of usage in July 2022 in the United States, followed just behind by TV (34.4%). .
Figures that could prove Netflix CEO Reed Hastings right, who predicted the death of television in less than 10 years when presenting the platform’s results in July 2022. Nevertheless, this domination of streaming platforms could well run out of steam.
Young people are abandoning Netflix and streaming for TikTok and YouTube
According to the latest barometer on SVoD consumption by Médiametrie/Harris Interactive published in October 2022, more and more 15-24 year olds are abandoning Netflix and others in favor of video applications/social networks like YouTube or TikTok.
Thus, we learn in particular that they were 1.17 million to watch Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, Salto or another service every day between July and September 2022. That is 400,00 less than in the third quarter of 2021. This is a hearing loss of 44% all the same.
Moreover, although there are fewer young viewers, they also spend less time on these platforms. Between 2020 and 2022, the average time spent by 15-24 year olds on streaming services has fallen by 45 minutes. And as said above, the popularity of TikTok and YouTube among young people continues to climb.
In August 2022, a study by the American institute Pew Research Center proved that 95% of 13-17 year olds used YouTube occasionally (19% daily), and 67% for TikTok (15% daily). To encourage young people to return to streaming platforms, the launch of formulas with cheaper advertising could be a solution. Netflix recently unveiled its new €5.99 per month ad plan which will be available from November 3, 2022.
Source : Le Figaro