
Save light with these 3 devices that you surely use every day at home

Keep in mind that not all devices consume the same. Factors such as the years of that appliance, if it is in good condition or not, as well as the configuration it has. However, in all cases you will be able to make some changes to be able to pay a little less for electricity.

Control the consumption of these devices

Let’s talk about three types of devices different, but they are very common. One of them is the television, we are also going to talk about the dishwasher and, finally, the air conditioning or heating. In the latter case, there are two different household appliances, but we consider that they are equally important in terms of energy savings, since we use one more in summer, while the other is used in winter.


How can you save money with television? There are several ways to achieve it. One of them is caring what do you connect to the tv. That is, not only the device itself influences, but also what you can connect. For example, maybe you have a video player, a game console, speakers… All this can consume.

The ideal is to avoid having more devices connected than you are really going to need. If you are not going to use the game console, you simply disconnect it completely. Just as you should also avoid leaving the television on stand bysince in this way it will always be consuming some electricity.

If we go to a little more extreme savings, you can also touch some settings such as brightness. The lower the brightness, the less electricity it will consume. Also, if you’re just going to be listening to the TV in the background while cooking or doing other chores, you can choose to turn the picture off.


Regarding the dishwasher, you can also take into account some recommendations to save. This appliance, which is one of those that consume the most, is key use it correctly. If you make mistakes, you’ll be paying a lot more on your electricity bill each month.

What can you do to save? First, use the common sense. Only run the dishwasher when it is full. Avoid putting it at half load or with many holes still to be filled, unless it is essential. With this, you will take more advantage of that consumption and you will avoid having to put it on several times.

But also, another factor to take into account is what program to use. Normally, dishwashers will have an Eco program. This allows you to use it more efficiently, without using the maximum power. By not heating the water so much, it will not use as much energy.

Descale the dishwasher or washing machine

Air conditioning or heating

In this case, what you should do mainly is control the temperature well. In winter, you do not need to have the house at more than 20 degrees. Setting the heating to around 20 degrees is enough to be fine. In summer, something similar but this time you can set the air to about 24 degrees.

Each degree more or less can mean an expense or saving of 7%. Therefore, adjusting the temperature well is going to be key in order to spend less on the electricity bill. Insulating the home will also help you spend less electricity.

In short, as you can see, it is essential to know how to use the appliances and devices you use well. We have given three devices that we use frequently as an example, but you can apply it to any other. If you use home automation, increasing Wi-Fi speed and coverage is important.

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