
So you can take advantage of the cloud this summer

cloud services there are many, both free and paid. You can use some like Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox. Not all of them have the same characteristics, although with most you will be able to make similar use. Choosing a good platform is key to not having problems of any kind.

Uses of the cloud on vacation

We are going to show you some uses that you can give to the cloud during summer, in vacation periods. There are many more, but you can get an idea of ​​the main ones and thus know whether or not you are interested in hiring a superior service, with more available space or with certain added features that you can use.

have everything available

The first thing is to be able to have everything available anywhere. For example, you could be on vacation and upload reservations for flights, accommodation, transport between cities, tickets to monuments to the cloud… In case you lose your mobile or have a problem, all of this will always be well stored in the cloud. .

You will also have available your favorite music, series, movies or anything you have uploaded to the cloud. You simply need to have a good Internet connection and you will be able to access all this.

create backups

Another very useful use that you can give it is to create Backups. You may be traveling and taking a lot of photos and videos. You do not want to lose that content, under any circumstances. What can you do? You can create backup copies of all this every day, every night when you arrive at the hotel.

In the event that you lose your mobile, it is stolen or anything happens to it, you will not lose the content that you have been creating. You will have all that available in the cloud, safely. It is, therefore, a very useful option to use a service of this type to create backups. You can also use it to free up space.

Cloud backups

Share files

You may want to share files with other people. For example, you may need to share those travel photos and videos with friends or family. Instead of using a physical hard drive or any memory, you will simply use the cloud and you can easily and conveniently share all of that.

Share files via the cloud is a safe option, although you should always take certain precautions. It is important to only allow access to the appropriate people and not leave that content free for anyone. You can even have the option of using the virtual private cloud.

use many devices

Another option that the cloud allows you is to use various devices. You will be able to use your computer, mobile or any other device and, in a simple way, exchange all the content. In summer, when you are on vacation, you are more likely to use devices that you do not usually use.

Instead of having to take a computer with you on the road, a hard drive or any device where you physically store the content, you will simply have to save it in the cloud. From there, you can access from many devices just by having an Internet connection.

As you can see, using the cloud has its advantages on vacation, in the summer months. You can give it uses like the ones we have described. That will help you take advantage of platforms like Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive. There are many more where you can save content in a simple way.

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