Telegram it continues to implement peculiar features (or in a peculiar way) to gain value as a service against its archrival within the segment, WhatsApp. On this occasion, and with the latest updates to the client, a handful of things have arrived that continue to enrich the experience with the application and that we are going to mention below.
Telegram has long had the ability to generate spoilers to hide any text in messages. Now this feature has been extended to photos and videos, which are covered with a shiny layer that blurs the image. Recipients will be able to “break” the layer by simply tapping on the share to see what it is and what is showing through it. Without a doubt, a good way to send gifts or give surprises to your loved ones.
Another interesting novelty that has come to the official Telegram client is that it now allows add settings to automatically and separately clean cached media from private chats, groups and channels, with exceptions for specific chats. On the other hand, the new pie chart shows what things are taking up space, and dedicated tabs for media, files, and music give you the ability to clean up larger items with just a few taps.
One of Telegram’s strengths are its multimedia editing tools, which have been completely redesigned in the latest version of the app. The drawing tools of the latest version of the mobile client change the width dynamically considering the drawing speed and smooth lines automatically.
There’s a new media blur tool to safeguard sensitive information and five ways to choose high-precision colors, including the eyedropper, while the add text to photo or video tool lets you change the size, font, and color. the bottom. To the latter is added the possibility of adding personalized animated emojis in the text on images and shapes, which can be rectangles, circles, arrows, stars and balloons.
Do you have an image of a person that does not correspond to the one established in their profile? Edit your contact in the application to put the one that you see more in line with the image you have of it. Don’t let that cat lover identify with the image of a dog! Of course, the personalized image would only be seen by you and not by the contact, although there is also a suggestion option.
continuing with more profile images, now Telegram allows the user to set one for contacts and another public for other people, with the additional possibilities of making it not visible to anyone and setting exceptions. This messaging service works to a certain extent like a social network, so this feature is not bad for when you don’t want to show your most personal facet to the public.
Administrators have gained the ability to hide member list in groups with more than 100 members. In this way, certain people are protected a little, especially those who are inactive or not very active. Once the feature is enabled, only group admins will know that those people are there.
Other features that have come to Telegram are new progress animations for when you go to a distant answer, ten new animated emoji packs for Premium users, and more interactive emojis.
All the news introduced in Telegram have been detailed in the official announcement and can be obtained by simply updating or downloading the latest version of the application. We take this opportunity to remind you of the existence of our MuyComputer and MuyLinux channels, through which you can obtain all the information on current affairs around computing, Linux and open source.