
The 5 applications for your iPhone that you will appreciate having this 2023

The iPhone is without a doubt Apple’s flagship and, for the vast majority of users, the most essential technological device for their day-to-day life, since it is surely the most used. Therefore, in order to take advantage of it even more, in this post we want to talk about 5 applications that will be great for you this year 2023.

Ideal iPhone apps for 2023

There is no doubt about how well made the iPhone is and all the possibilities that they provide to users, however, much of the blame for the fact that they work so well and can be used to perform so many tasks is due to the App Store and the applications in them. Here we talk about 5 apps that we consider essential.

  • bring. Something that, after all, has to be done with some regularity, either daily or weekly, is to go shopping. That is why this application is so useful because it is a conventional shopping list but to which you have to add two fundamental aspects. The first of them is the visual section, since you will be able to see what you have to buy, and the second is the collaborative part, since you can invite other users in order to have a common shopping list.
Bring Shopping List
Bring Shopping List

  • unfold. Social networks are already part of the day-to-day life of the vast majority of people, in addition, usually those who have an iPhone are much more likely to generate content of some kind, either professionally or simply as a normal user, and for This unfold is ideal. It is an app where you can find templates both for your Instagram stories and for the publications, although you can also use them for any other social network. You can enter text, stickers and even customize the colors to your liking, this is a perfect app.
Unfold for stories and reels
Unfold for stories and reels

iPhone 14 Pro

  • Tricount. This application is one of those that you will not use on a regular basis, but when you need it you will appreciate having it installed on your iPhone. The main function it has is to distribute expenses, something that is great especially when you travel with more people. In it, each user can enter the expenses they have made so that, in the end, the app itself tells you who has to pay how much to another member of the group, so that in the end everyone has paid the same.
Tricount - Shared Expenses
Tricount - Shared Expenses

  • InShot. Before we talked about Unfold as one of the essential apps for social networks, well, for those who want to share videos that are a little more curated but want to edit everything from the iPhone, InShot is the best video editor you can find for the vertical format. It’s easy to use, it has enough tools to give free rein to your creativity and, on top of that, it’s free, although it also has a paid part.
InShot - Video Editor
InShot - Video Editor

  • Todoist. Organization is essential to be able to carry out all the tasks you have to do during the day, so having a task app is very important. One of the best in this sense is Todoist, since it is attractive, easy to use and, above all, really useful for all kinds of audiences. It’s also free, which is important.
Todoist Task Lists
Todoist Task Lists

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