Researchers at the University of Washington have linked smartphones to the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease. In question, overexposure to electromagnetic fields which promotes the accumulation of calcium in the brain.
If a study published in February 2020 assured that smartphones do not promote the appearance of cancer in men, a new report by several researchers from the University of Washington has just highlighted the link between the waves of our electronic devices and Alzheimer’s disease.
Before going into detail, it should be remembered that this terrible pathology is caused by a excess intracellular calcium in the brain. And precisely, the study in question indicates that the electromagnetic fields (EMC) generated in particular by our mobile phones can contribute to the accumulation of this calcium.
Indeed, the EMFs used for wireless communications produce strong electric and magnetic waves which act on the cells of our body, mainly by through activation of voltage-dependent calcium channels (CCDV). However, the activation of CCDV leads to a massive increase in intracellular calcium levels. As a result, EMF exposures can lead to excess intracellular calcium.
The influence of EMFs on the early onset of Alzheimer’s
“EMFs act through electrical spikes and time-varying magnetic forces at the nanosecond scale.” explains Professor Martin L. Pall of the University of Washington. He pursues : “These peaks increase dramatically with each increase in pulse modulation produced by ever more connected cell phones, smart meters, smart cities, and speed cameras in self-driving vehicles.”
According to the researcher, each of these elements can produce “the ultimate nightmare – extremely early onset Alzheimer’s disease”. To support his remarks, Martin L. Pall refers to previous studies conducted on humans and animals. Thus, human genetic and pharmacological studies show thathigh CCDV activity leads to an increased incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.
Read also: How our smartphones isolate us and make us sick
Higher risks among professionals
12 recent studies dedicated to occupational exposure have revealed that people exposed to electromagnetic fields in the course of their work have higher risks of contracting the disease early. Indeed, these studies suggest that EMFs shorten the normal latency period by 25 years. In other words, of patients can contract Alzheimer’s around the age of 40 instead of 65.
Other analyzes carried out in the 1980s showed that the neurological/neuropsychiatric effects associated with EMF exposures developed cumulatively. Fact, prolonged periods of exposure (several years) to EMF produced more severe effects. The researcher also points out that the age of onset of Alzheimer’s disease has decreased over the past 20 years, during the democratization of the smartphone and the increase in exposure to EMFs linked to wireless communications.
Digital dementia, the danger that awaits the youngest
In fact, Martin L. Pall believes that very young people who are exposed daily to radiation from smartphones, Wi-Fi or cell towers can develop “digital dementia“. Note that excessive use of the smartphone can also promote obesity.
To support his thesis, the professor recalls a study carried out in 2008, which proved that exposure for two hours a day to EMFs from a relay antenna led to massive neurodegeneration in the brains of young rats. In effect, 34% of brain cells died in just 4 weeks. The 11 brain changes measured and the 4 behavioral changes observed were all reduced by amlodipine, a CCDV calcium channel blocker. “These results show that the EMFs most of us are exposed to every day acted through CCDV activation to produce massive and extraordinarily rapid universal neurodegeneration in young rats.” he assures.
The researcher calls for urgent further studies on the subject, including investigations of brain markers of Alzheimer’s disease and brain MRI scans to detect abnormalities in young people who show signs of digital dementia.
Source : Eurekaert