
This is going to make your WiFi PLCs always work badly

PLC devices are widely used to improve the Internet connection. They serve to carry the network from one place to another by taking advantage of the power line. The problem is that they will not always work as we would like. Sometimes we can have problems and that will cause the speed to decrease, cuts to appear and, ultimately, errors. In this article we are going to explain what can most affect the operation of the Wi-Fi PLCs.

Poor placement, a drag for Wi-Fi PLCs

Something you should always keep in mind is that you need correctly place Wi-Fi PLCs. If you connect them wrong, if you give them a bad location, that’s going to cause them to malfunction. You will inevitably have outages and problems connecting other devices to the network. Therefore, you need not to make mistakes.

What does it mean to misplace Wi-Fi PLC devices? For example, put them on a ruler. If instead of plugging them directly into the wall you connect them to a power strip, that will cause the signal quality to decrease. The connection will go through another device previously and that will slow down the speed and can generate interference.

But misplacement of Wi-Fi PLCs also means misplacement close to possible interference. For example, it is a bad idea if you place them next to the television, microwave or any other appliance, especially those that use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth networks. This will cause the signal to weaken and you may even have trouble connecting.

Also, if you place the Wi-Fi PLCs too far and the electrical wiring is old, that will also cause them to always malfunction. You will never be able to reach top speed and you will have problems. It does not matter if you connect wirelessly or by cable, in these cases you will notice continuous failures.

Plug in PLC devices

What to keep in mind when using these devices

So what should you keep in mind when using PLC devices and getting them to work as well as possible? Something that cannot be missing is buying quality devices. You always can inform you previouslyread comments on the Internet and make sure that what you are buying is really going to add something positive to your day to day.

You should also look at other factors such as characteristics of Wi-Fi PLCs. Ideally, they should be double band and have a good maximum speed. Avoid those that do not have Ethernet ports, since it is always useful to have this option to connect a cable television or computer. Also, make sure they are Gigabit Ethernet ports so you can achieve maximum wired speed.

Another key factor if you are going to use Wi-Fi PLC devices is power connect numerous devices and that they are not cut. There are models that begin to have problems as soon as we connect 3 or 4 devices. If you buy a quality one, you shouldn’t have a problem connecting many more of those 3 or 4.

In short, as you can see, the placement of the Wi-Fi PLC devices is essential. If you make the mistakes we’ve shown regarding placement, they’re inevitably going to malfunction. There are factors to take into account to choose fast PLCs and thus achieve an adequate connection speed at all times.

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