Have the protected accounts on the internet, is essential to avoid intruders and problems. It is key that you do not make mistakes, since they could have control of your social networks, email or access your bank. Therefore, to avoid problems, we are going to give you some essential tips. This is the main thing you should keep in mind to protect your accounts and prevent intruders from entering them when you connect to the Internet.
We can name accounts of all kinds, such as Facebook, Gmail, a bank you use, forums where you have registered… In fact, we use accounts constantly and on all types of devices. Hence, it is vital to protect them correctly and not make mistakes that favor cybercriminals.
Take care of your online accounts
Hackers may have different strategies to steal your accounts, but in most cases they will need you to make a mistake. They need you to do something to fall into the trap so that they can take control of your social networks, email or whatever. For example, this is what happens with a Phishing attack.
Strong passwords
A very important factor is to use passwords that are reliable and safe. It is the main barrier that will keep hackers away. If you make a mistake here, your accounts could be exposed. You should never use keys that are weak, predictable, or that you are using in more than one place.
A good password is one that is unique, that has letters (upper and lower case), numbers and other special symbols, an appropriate length and you never use your name, date of birth or any data that relates to you. In addition, it is advisable to change it from time to time and thus increase protection.
Key manager
A very good option to create secure keys are the password managers. They are also used to store them so you don’t always have to remember them. It is perfect for storing all your passwords there, for services of all kinds that you use on the Internet, and having them protected with a master key.
Although there are many options available, we recommend that you always use one with guarantees. You can use options like KeePass, NordPass, Bitwarden or Dashlane. You can always read comments and ratings from other users, to determine if an application is really reliable.
Turn on two-step authentication
This is an ideal way to protect accounts. It is becoming more and more present, although many users still do not take advantage of 2FA. What is your function? Basically, when you log in to any platform, you will have to enter your password and also a second step to enter. It can be a code that you receive by SMS, by email, application, etc.
Regarding applications, a very popular one is Google Authenticator. You can link your accounts there and it generates codes through an algorithm. Those codes have a fixed duration, so they are simply valid for one login. Allows you to further protect an account. You can protect bank accounts with 2FA, for example.
As you can see, these are some of the main options to protect your accounts on the Internet. A good password is essential, you can help yourself by having a key manager and also enabling two-step authentication.