
“101 Stories of Innovation”, an inspiring book for entrepreneurs

The community, Area101, has presented the book “101 Stories of Innovation”. In it, more than 100 leaders of organizations from 17 countries tell for the first time their stories, methodologies and best practices to help companies, professionals and the rest of society to go further on the path towards innovation.

According to Daniel Medina, co-author of the book, co-founder of Area101 and associate professor at IE Business School, “In recent years, a lot of literature has been written on models and methodologies to drive innovation within organizations, but there is a big difference between theory and what innovation leaders actually find in their day to day by putting it into practice. Many of these books talk about the importance of innovating, some explain methodologies or focus on theoretical models, but almost none share the models, best practices, and learnings of how organizations are innovating globally. For this reason, 101 Innovation Stories was born”.

Among the pages you can find the experiences of women and men who lead innovation in 104 corporations and in 40 ecosystem agents from different countries such as Spain, Germany, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Denmark, the United States, the Philippines, France, Guatemala, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, the United Kingdom and Zimbabwe. Some of these stories include companies such as Astrazeneca, Airbus, Amazon Web Services, BBVA, Bancolombia, Iberia, Danone, LaLiga, Repsol, Telefónica, Mahou, Walmart, as well as other reference agents such as Singularity University, South Summit, Mobile World Capital, IE University or ICEX Spain Export and Investment. Divided into eight chapters in which innovation is structured, these explore issues of strategy, governance and structure, models, internal innovation, open innovation, ecosystem, culture and technology.

Technology, protagonist of the book

This book has incorporated highly innovative elements, such as the NFT technologiesdigital accreditations that recognize the participation of the more than 100 protagonists of the stories. In addition, the book provides a hybrid experience, so that you can continue exploring the stories and a selection of reference content on innovation, certifications and other elements with which to immerse yourself in the world of corporate innovation through its digital platform.

For us innovation is a continuous journey, metaphor that illustrates the book, and before which we outline a map of the different elements that make up this discipline, so that each reader can build their own path. In the same way, as passionate about good stories, we opted for all the cases and best practices to be told in the first person by the innovation leader who lived it every day, to whom we wanted to give a voice. In this way we want to help other leaders who work tirelessly every day to promote the future of their organizations”adds Cristian Ull, co-author of 101 History of Innovation and co-founder of Area101.

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