While we wait to find out what will happen to the actor of Kang The Conqueror -his troubles with the law could be very expensive for the current “evil” of the MCU-, the people of Marvel Studios He continues to work on his factory and on the next characters to come. Among them, in another important villain, Galactus, known to be one of the main enemies of the 4 F’santastic. And it is that the study could already be very clear that true Malaga actor It would be ideal to interpret it…
Galactus and the Fantastic 4, what relationship do they have?
If you are not into the Fantastic Four stories, it may not sound familiar to you, but surely if we tell you that he is considered one of the great villains in Marvel history, your interest will multiply exponentially. And it is that Galactus It’s not just any character.
This cosmic being was originally called Galan and was a scientist born on the planet Taa. After discovering that his civilization was on the verge of collapse, let’s say that his essence was introduced, by a cosmic entity, in an incubator for centuries until it found its current form, a force of the cosmos who consumes the life force of the planets to survive -sometimes for this he makes use of heralds such as Silver Furfer.
Needless to say, Earth was one of their targets, but that’s where The Fantastic Four come in, ready to stop their catastrophic intentions.
Antonio Banderas as Galactus, what is true
Important rumors come from different sources indicating that Marvel Studios continues to outline its casting for the reboot that we will see of The Fantastic 4 within the UCM. According to this information, Antonio Banderas would be in talks to play the role of said villain, who will be the main villain of the film.
the people of TheDirect collects than own Kevin Feige I would be personally involved in the search for the actors who will be part of the film and given the secrecy with which they do things, it could still take months to confirm something related to this.
Another of the actors that would already be working on is the herald Silver Surfer, since Disney+ is expected to launch a TV series about him before the fantastic four. It makes sense therefore that they walk at the same time thinking about Galactus, since they will form a pairing in the film that must come together from the first moment -and that has an important casting process behind it.
Evidently Antonio Banderas He has not ruled on the matter and we very much doubt that he will do so soon. Unfortunately this year does not touch D23 Expo -you know, the biennial conference that the firm celebrates and in which it always shows us great news- so it will not be the setting for a possible announcement in style either.
Even so, before the end of the year you should know something, since The Fantastic 4 are scheduled to 2024.
And to you, what do you think of the choice of the Andalusian actor as one of the great villains of the MCU?