
Apple triumphs in the computer market

Apple computers are making many differences. Not only because of the design line, the operating system or the Apple Silicon processors. The company goes far beyond that. So much so that they have ended up positioning themselves as the company that has grown the most in computer sales, while the rest of its most direct competitors are collapsing in the segment. So in this post we are going to tell you all the details, how Apple is positioning itself, and how is the map of its competition at the moment.

The reference indicator is shipments of computers

The Appleinsider web portal collects data from IDC (International Data Corporation). These are about a report that represents the figures for computer shipments globally, in six main categorizations. The first five are of their own brands, while the last one is a group of other firms, whose shipments are represented jointly.

The brands that send the most computers (in computers from more to less units) are the following: Lenovo, HP, Dell, Apple and Acer. And the time frame for these is the second quarter of this 2023. While Lenovo has shipped 14.2 million units, Apple has shipped 5.3.

The key is in growth

How is it possible that Lenovo is shipping more units, and Apple is succeeding in this market? The answer is not in the total number of shipments, but in the growth experienced by the different brands. The report carried out compares the number of units shipped in the second quarter of 2023versus those of the second quarter of 2022. While Lenovo, the brand that has made the most shipments, has fallen by 18.4%, Apple with its 5.3 million shipments, has grown by 10.3%.

And if we look at all the figures together, Apple is the fourth brand that has shipped the most units, but at the same time, it is the one that (by far) has grown the most. Thus, the ranking remains in terms of units sent and growth:

  • Lenovo: 14.2 million units. falls 18.4%
  • HP: 13.4 million units. falls 0.8%
  • Dell: 10.3 million units. falls 22%
  • Apple: 5.3 million units. Up 10.3%
  • Acer: 4 million units. falls 19.2%

As for the sixth category, called “Others” in the IDC report, 14.4 million computers shipped in the second quarter of 2023 are shown. But equally, it falls 16.5% in units shipped. And the global calculation of growth in the sector is negative: the sector has fallen by 13.4% in shipments, from last year to this year.

As far as Apple is concerned, the IDC report shows that in the same quarter of last year, those of Cupertino sent a total of 4.8 million units. And the rest of the competition is as follows:

  • Lenovo: 17.4 million units shipped.
  • HP: 13.5 million units shipped.
  • Dell: 13.2 million units shipped.
  • Apple: 4.8 million units shipped.
  • Acer: 4.9 million units shipped.

Currently, the market share of Apple computers, taking the 2023 figures as a reference, is 8.6% globally. In the same period last year, it was 6.8%.

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