
Avoid scams! Do this whenever you use your bank card online

There are many computer attacks that can put your bank cards at risk. There is Phishing, we can also name malware, malicious applications, etc. This forces us to take certain measures to prevent problems and maintain security at all times, without compromising personal data.

Use the card well on the Internet

Using the card well means improve security. Avoiding cyber attacks is in your hand if you do not make mistakes, if you use the bank card correctly when you are going to make a purchase, whatever platform you are going to use. You never know what risks there may be.

Don’t put it in unknown places

The first thing you should do is never put your bank card in unknown places, which could be a problem. For example, do not put the card on a page that is not reliable, that does not have information on the Internet and you cannot verify if it is really a scam or, on the contrary, it is a safe site.

Our advice is that you carefully review the pages where you are going to put the bank card. You can make sure there is nothing strange, that it has a contact section where you can find out who is behind that site, etc.

Never pay on unencrypted sites

When making a payment online, something you should do is see if that website is encrypted or not. You should never pay through a website that is HTTP, since in that case the information you send will not be encrypted, so it can be intercepted by an attacker who may be on the network.

It does not mean that all HTTPS pages, which are encrypted, are secure. Not at all. But you will have a greater chance of avoiding problems of this type, so it is something that you should look at very carefully when you are going to make a payment.

If you can, better limited

There are cards in which you can limit the amount when paying online. That is, you can assign a maximum amount and you will not be able to pay beyond that. There are even wallet cards, which you simply top up with a specific amount and make the payment. In the event of a scam, they will not be able to steal more than that amount from you.

What you can do is, before making the online payment with the bank card, check the limits and assign one that allows you to make that payment, but nothing more. You will reduce the risk of money theft.

cloned bank card

Check payments carefully

This is something that we often overlook, but it is important. When you make a payment online, you must check that amount carefully. You must make sure that you have been charged what is appropriate and not more than that amount. If there was some kind of scam, you could detect it as soon as possible and take action.

But be careful, you shouldn’t just look at it at the moment; It is also worth seeing if, days later, they have been able to charge you something more. Sometimes, we use the card on the Internet sporadically and we do not constantly see if there may have been any improper charges. It is good to observe all this.

In short, avoiding bank card theft on the Internet is essential. You must take measures and not make mistakes that could expose your security on the network. You can always take certain measures, like the ones we have explained, and thus improve security.

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