
Discover Auto-GPT, the future of AI that will do without humans

And it is that everything related to artificial intelligence is advancing very quickly, especially over the last few months. One of the main reasons for all this is that new proposals appear every so often, sometimes much more surprising than the previous ones. In reality, and as is usual in these cases, there is AI-centric alternatives that have come to stay, while others will disappear as they are considered as temporary.

Next, we are going to talk about one of those proposals that many consider to be one of the alternatives for the future for this entire sector. Specifically, we are referring to Auto-GPT, an AI developed on the technology ChatGPT which will surely surprise you. A priori we must take into account that it has some important differences with respect to the popular ChatGPT that we have just mentioned.

What is AI Auto-GPT

To begin with, we will tell you that Auto-GPT is an open source project based on ChatGPT but with the ability to act autonomously. This means that it can work without the need for a human being to indicate the actions to be carried out. That is precisely why it could be considered the future of this type of platform. Actually, it is not a new technology or a new language model.

There are many differences between ChatGPT and Auto-GPT, but one of the main ones is autonomy. Auto-GPT replaces human agents with AI agents, at least in large part. This, as you can imagine, gives Auto-GPT true decision power. Generally, to get results from an AI like ChatGPT, we need to enter a series of orders and terms for the platform to help us. On the contrary, Auto-GPT promises to replace these human agents with Artificial Intelligence agents.

So when we ask it for something, depending on the constraints we give it, Auto-GPT, using AI agents, could address every subset of the planning problem by itself. This will allow the platform to address any doubts that may arise to resolve them without our interaction. It is true that at first it might sound a bit too much like science fiction, but it is towards this type of use that AI is actually directed.

How this new Artificial Intelligence works

Not surprisingly, this is a proposal that has already been used to create a podcast from scratch or to generate an automated investment analyst, with some success. It must be said that Auto-GPT works in a very similar way to ChatGPT, but with the added capacity that we have mentioned for its automation. We could consider these AI agents as personal assistants who would work for us.

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Use case for GPT agent: read about recent events and prepare podcast outline.

All-In podcast example. With 5 searches (and 15 web browses,) Auto GPT research agent prepares a 5 topic podcast on recent news with accurate references (and a cold open.)

April 11, 2023 • 23:16

They help us schedule and manage tasks or perform new ones, all using their own AI. In addition, they would be trained to make decisions based on a set of rules or predefined objectives.

Among its tasks we would find that it can schedule appointments, send emails, make purchases, do analysis or make decisions on our behalf. All this if we give you access through a API to give you access to elements such as our private data or computer content.

At the moment Auto-GPT is an experimental project from which we can only benefit if we have some programming knowledge. But as we tell you, this type of self-sufficient alternatives for many are the future of Artificial Intelligence.

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