
ExpressVPN now has this new feature that you will like

When we talk about VPN, one of the most famous and with the most users is ExpressVPN. It is a reliable program that allows us to access platforms that may be blocked or use public Wi-Fi networks with greater security. Now they have included a feature that can be very useful for many. It’s about a password manager. If you already use this VPN, you will not have to make any extra subscription, nor will you have to install an additional application.

But what really is a key manager? It is a service that allows you to save all your passwords and protect them with a master key. It is very useful if you think about the number of keys you may need in your daily life for all types of platforms. Now, you will be able to manage it directly from ExpressVPN.

ExpessVPN now includes a key manager

If you do things right, ideally you should use a password for each service you use on the Internet. For example, you must have a unique key for your email account, Facebook account, to access the bank, as well as any page where you register. If you use the same key in multiple places, there could be a domino effect if one is stolen.

Now, to memorize all those passwords, even more so if you create them complex and difficult to figure out, it is going to be complicated. That’s where key managers come into play, as is the case with ExpressVPN and its latest novelty. You will not worry about having to memorize all those passwords.

This new feature It will be available in the different versions of ExpressVPN, so you can use it on your computer, on iOS and Android. You won’t have to install anything additional. You will only have to create a master password and, from there, you can store keys in your application.

They have called this function ExpressVPN Keys. It is quite complete, so it offers all the functions that you will find with other similar services. You’ll be able to store and sync passwords across multiple devices, as well as automatically fill in the information you need to log in. As an additional note, you will also be able to save texts and anything you need, such as bank card numbers, addresses, etc.

Encrypted data and keys

Something fundamental is that all these passwords and the data that you want to store in the new ExpressVPN manager will be encrypted. They use the AES-256 encryption. The keys to decrypt the content are stored on the user’s device. This means that if ExpressVPN suffers a breach, your passwords would be leaked encrypted and you would not be able to view the content.

Without a doubt, using key managers is a good measure to maintain security. You will be able to correctly manage passwords and also any data you want to save. This will help you be more protected on the network and avoid the typical problems that may arise in the event of a cyber attack.

In short, if you are already an ExpressVPN user, from now on you will be able to use its new password manager. One more function that will increase your security on the network, since you will be able to save access codes without problems. You can always use Have I Been Pwned to see if your keys have been leaked.

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