
Good news for your privacy! You’ll like this Google change

keep the internet privacy it’s getting harder. It is, since we use more services and platforms than before. Surely you put email in more places than a few years ago, for example, every time you buy something online or use social networks. However, you can always take certain measures to be more protected. We are going to tell you about a change that Google is going to allow and will make your privacy more present.

This google shift is that you will be able to remove information that can identify you, as well as images, from the search engine results. If you do not want someone to be able to find you easily, for example, by putting certain information about you that appears on a specific website, you can request that they stop displaying those results.

Google will allow more privacy

It is a possibility that will soon be available. They already created a privacy-focused tool last year. allowed request that certain data be deleted, such as whether your phone number appeared in searches, your address, etc. Now, as the company has announced, they are going to introduce an update.

This novelty will allow users receive a notification in case your personal information appears in the search engine results. That will allow them to remove it quickly. The goal is that anyone can tell Google to remove that information from the results, which translates into improved privacy.

Please note that this tool is currently only available in the United States. However, as it is something new, they have indicated that they expect it to be available in other countries as well. Therefore, it is hoped that soon we will be able to use it in Europe and be able to improve privacy through this function.

Of course, they indicate that all this it will have a filter. They have to analyze each request and remove from the results only what can really affect you. For example, they indicate that there may be certain information in a news story. The images that there may be of a person who does not want to appear would be blurred.

Boost your privacy

Regardless of this change that Google is going to introduce, you can always take certain measures to improve your privacy on the network. Can prevent your information from being available for anyone and they can use it against you. For example, they could launch custom Phishing attacks if they manage to access certain data.

What can you do to improve privacy? Something very important is decrease exposure In Internet. This means that you should avoid making your data public. For example, don’t post your email address, phone number, or any sensitive information in an open forum or web comment that is available to anyone.

you should too hide your profiles social networks. With this, you will prevent anyone from obtaining more information about you. Only allow your contacts to access it and be careful when adding people, since you could be accepting bots that are simply looking to steal your personal information.

In short, as you can see, Google has taken another step to improve user privacy. However, you can always take certain measures to avoid tracking in Chrome or prevent your data from being leaked every time you use social networks on the Internet.

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