
Google creates a quantum computer that instantly does calculations that take years to complete

Google has developed a quantum computer capable of making calculations instantly that otherwise it would take years, and even decades, to complete.. Even if supercomputers are used for it. The company has indicated that this advance that it has achieved, yes, has no other purpose than to show the high power that these experimental equipment can have, and how they can surpass, by far, that of other supercomputers that currently have. They are used as high power equipment for HPC.

The team that is behind the development of the equipment has used the latest version of it to carry out a study on its power. With it they discovered that the supercomputer was capable of performing calculations practically instantly, in record time, when with a supercomputer there were some that could take almost half a century to complete. According to The Telegraph, specifically, 47 years. This can give a fairly approximate example of the power that a quantum computer can develop.

For the creation of this equipment, a improved version of the Sycamore quantum computerwhich Google presented back in 2019. And as we have mentioned, its creation has been an experiment to test how well quantum computers work in relation to current supercomputers.

The results, in view of data like this, have been very encouraging, and have also shown, according to the document that the Google researchers responsible for the quantum computer have published, that the latest Google technology in quantum computing is “beyond the capabilities of existing classical supercomputers«.

Also that the most powerful quantum computers are capable of managing noise, that is, the interferences that threaten to interfere with the states in which the qubits operate, which are very fragile, in order to continue with their calculations.

It’s been about four years since Google claimed to have achieved quantum supremacy, with a 53-qubit system. The current one has 70, and has shown that by adding qubits, a quantum computer improves computing exponentially. This current version has 70 qubits at its disposal, as well as a processor that is 241 million times more powerful than the one in the previous version.

To give us an idea of ​​its power, note that the most powerful supercomputer in the world today, Frontier, it took 6.18 seconds to solve the same calculation as Google’s quantum machine above. to the current performed instantly. But to get the solution to the calculations that this new quantum computer performs instantly, Frontier would take 47.2 years. Undoubtedly, a very notable advance, which could take quantum computers to the top of the list of priorities to be developed not only by technology companies, but also by all kinds of research and development centers.

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