
How to change the size of the letters on a phone for seniors

We use phones less and less to call, and more to talk to people through instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp. However, this is not always to everyone’s advantage, as some users, especially the older ones, they may find some disadvantages when reading the letter of the messages.

On the other hand, and especially in view of the current holiday dates, in which unfortunately many of us will still stay away from our loved ones, we also want to take the opportunity to talk about the additional configuration offered by the most popular messaging application, with a quick and easy explanation on how to change the letter of WhatsApp, and increase the size of the messages.

That said, the first of all will be to open the WhatsApp application from our phone. Once on the main screen, we will access the general menu by pressing the three dots icon located in the upper right corner, and we will select the “Settings” option from the dropdown.

From here, we will select the configuration option “Chats”, in whose second section “Chat settings”, we will find an option called “Font size”.

By clicking on the latter, a small pop-up window will open in which we can choose the size of the letter (or font) that we want to use, under the three options “Small”, Medium “and” Large “.

Change tChange font size WhatsApp Android Font size WhatsApp

Unfortunately, WhatsApp Android does not offer any type of preview to be able to compare the size of each adjustment, so we will have to confirm the change and go to one of our chats to be able to see the results of each change, as we show you in the top image.

How to make the WhatsApp font bigger on iOS

Although very similar, the process to change the font size on iPhones and iPads will have some small changes in the nomenclatures, so we prefer to do the full review.

Again from the main screen, we will access the general menu by pressing gear icon (or “Settings”) located in the lower right corner. From here, we will select the option «Chat settings », and finally we will select “Text size”.

Change font size WhatsApp iPhone iOS

However, this is where we will find the biggest difference between operating systems. And it is that using a slider bar, we can choose between the seven different font sizes; in addition to that we can find a small sample text at the top to be able to see the changes without having to go to the chats.

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