
I made these small changes in the kitchen and now I pay less electricity

Changes in the kitchen to save light

Many of these tips that we are going to give are common sense, but it is worth remembering them. In the end, the sum of many small things is what will allow us to save money on the electricity bill. do some kitchen settingsin the household appliances that we use, can be very useful.

Adjust the fridge temperature

A very simple change, but at the same time very important, is to adjust the fridge and freezer temperature. You don’t need to keep them too cold, as that will cause you to consume more electricity than necessary. Calculate more or less between 4 and 6 degrees the refrigerator, while the freezer should not be below -18 degrees.

In addition, in the winter months you can raise the temperature of the refrigerator a little and save more. As there is not so much change in temperature when you open the door, you can keep food well at 5-6 degrees, while in summer it is better to have it at 4. Each degree can make you spend or save about 7%.

Avoid phantom consumption

Another change that comes in handy is removing the phantom consumption. It is not something exclusive to the kitchen, since you can do it anywhere. However, here it is likely that you have many devices that are going to be consuming even if you don’t really need it. You can save a significant amount.

For example, it prevents the microwave clock from always being on. Use power strips to connect various appliances and disconnect all of the current when you stop using it. The same with any device that you use only from time to time.

Change the mode of home appliances

You can too change the mode of some household appliances like the dishwasher. Normally there is an Eco mode, which means that they will consume less energy. What this mode does is adapt different functions to, for example, heat the water in the dishwasher less or not work with as much power.

Whenever you can, the ideal is to use a low power mode. It does not mean that the appliances are malfunctioning, but that they are not going to use the same power. They may take longer to wash the dishes, for example, but in return you will consume less.

Bet on the microwave

Use the microwave instead of the oven in the kitchen, it’s a good idea. The microwave also consumes quite a bit of electricity, but it takes less time to heat up than the oven. Therefore, it is a device that is more optimized and will make better use of consumption. That will save you on the bill.

Logically, you can use this as long as you are going to heat something that is compatible and you can do it both in the microwave and in the oven. There will be cases in which there will be no choice but to use the oven.

Light consumption of a microwave

Use waste heat

In those cases in which yes or yes you have to use the oven, something very interesting to save energy is use waste heat. What does this mean? Basically what you are going to do is turn off the oven a few minutes before finishing heating the food. This will allow you to save electricity, since it will not be running all the time.

You can do the same with the ceramic hob or even when defrosting food, since you can do it in the fridge itself even if it takes longer. These small details will help you save on your electricity bill.

In short, as you can see, you can make some changes or adjustments in the kitchen. The goal is to save on the electricity bill and spend less each month. Simply by changing some habits you can see good results. If you also use home automation, even better. Of course, it is important to prevent the Internet from working slowly or having cuts.

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