Nintendo has released the final trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdomthe next installment of one of the most prestigious sagas in the history of video games and which, at least initially, will be exclusive to Switch, the hybrid console of the Great N (remember that twilight princess appeared for Game Cube and Wii and that Breath of the Wild has done it on Wii U and Switch).
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a game that will withstand gigantic pressure for being the sequel (at least in commercial terms) of Breath of the Wilda game that has garnered enormous praise, major awards at both The Game Awards 2017 and the GDC Awards 2018, as well as being considered the best ever by Edge.
For many Breath of the Wild It has been a turning point for the saga as important as that of Ocarina of Time at the time, so one can already imagine the wild expectations that exist around Tears of the Kingdomwhich was designated at the end of last year as the most anticipated video game of 2023.
The final trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdomwhich can be found dubbed into Spanish on the Nintendo Spain channel, does not disappoint in the slightest by being able to capture the epic, the color and even the tragic and sad touch that has accompanied the darkest installments of the saga.
It is to be hoped that Tears of the Kingdom keep at least a good part of the mechanics of its predecessor, although we will see if at the moment of truth it exceeds it. Depending on which version of the story one wants to look at, Breath of the Wild approached the formula of Zelda to The Elder Scrolls or returned it to its origins, to the original title that saw the light of day for the NES in 1986, although with the enormous possibilities offered by the dimensional environments and the advances in terms of controls implemented since then.
Tears of the Kingdom It is probably the beginning of the end of the Switch to start the journey of the next Big N console, which aims to be the Switch 2 or at least a device that will conceptually be very close.
Unless there is some last minute setback, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will be marketed from May 12, 2023. From that day it will be possible to verify if it is a worthy successor to the powerful Breath of the Wild.