
Offers on cheap Windows and Office licenses for Christmas at Cdkeysales

The best time to buy a Windows or Office license is now, in the new Christmas promotion of cdkeysales, you can buy very cheap licenses and save a lot of money. Currently there are many desktop and laptop computers that we can buy without an operating system, with the aim of saving approximately 100 euros compared to the same computer but with the operating system already installed. If you want to know all the offers we have today and for the next few days, then you have all the details.

All discounts on Windows and Office licenses

If you want to buy a Windows Home or Windows Pro license, both in its Windows 10 and Windows 11 versions, today they have significant discounts to save a lot of money. If you enter the following links, and when buying the license you apply the discount coupon “RD35” you will be able to have the best price with a 35% discount. These licenses are totally legal, and will allow you to activate the operating system to save a lot of money.

In case you are interested in buying Office licenses, we also have a 35% discount offer using the RD35 coupon to have the best possible price. Here you have all the licenses on offer:

If you want to buy a license pack of Windows 10 Pro plus Office, then look at these offers that will have a better price:

Now that you know all the offers, we are going to teach you how to buy a Windows 10 Pro license and how to activate it.

Buying and activating Windows 10 Pro

If you have never bought in cdkeysales, we are going to show you how easy and fast it is to buy a Windows or Office license. The first thing you must do is register on the web with a valid email, after validating the email, log in to the web and click on any of the previous links. Once you enter the license you want to buy, click on the “BUY” button that we have on the web, and it will automatically go to the shopping cart.

If we click on the shopping cart and proceed with the purchase of the order, in the “Order confirmation» we must introduce the promo code “RD35” to enjoy an additional 35% discount. We must click on the button “Apply for» for this discount to be applied to us.

On this website we have the possibility of paying with PayPal or by card, the first method is recommended in order not to provide our bank card information. Once you have purchased the license, you must go to the section «My shopping» and the license will appear. In the zone of “keys/codes» is where we will have the Windows or Office license that you just bought.

When you already have the license in the panel, to activate Windows you must go to «Settings / Update and security / Activation«, in this Windows menu you will have a hyperlink that will take you to the activation wizard of the operating system. This is where you have to enter the purchased license code, and it will tell you that Windows is activated.

As you can see, the activation of the Windows 10 operating system is very easy and fast, it does not have any difficulties, however, in case you have problems you can always connect with Cdkeysales 24h support to resolve any questions or problems you may have.

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