
Our readers talk: are you going to renew the PC for Christmas?

Many people take advantage of the Christmas season to renew their PC, either partially or totally. This is a very common practice not only because of the date, but also due to the sales that usually take place before and during the Christmas celebration, among which we can highlight Back Friday and Cyber ​​Monday.

in a personal capacity I do not feel a special preference for renewing the PC at Christmas, I usually choose to buy new components, or to do complete renovations, when I need it and only if I find offers that are really interesting. However, it is true that on more than one occasion I have taken advantage of the pre-Christmas campaigns to buy important components and peripherals.

For example, a few years ago I got a GeForce RTX 2080 Super from the GIGABYTE assembler for 699 euros at the end of November. It was a round purchase for its price-performance value, since it was very close to the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, whose price was around 1,300 euros. I also took the opportunity to change the monitor because I found an interesting offer.

In the end it was more than a thousand euros to upgrade, but the monitor is still with me and works great, and selling the GeForce RTX 2080 Super during the graphics card crisis allowed me to recover a good part of my investment and get a more powerful graphics card. Yes, it was a success, of that I have no doubt.

renew pc

The truth is that right now I do not plan to renew my PC, neither in the short nor in the medium term. I have a very powerful computer and a 1440p monitor at 144 Hz, so I don’t need to upgrade, especially considering that most of the games that are coming to the market, and that I was looking forward to, are still intergenerational transition titles. The Callisto Protocol and Resident Evil 4 Remake are two great examples.

However, I am clear that right now is a good time to buy certain components, especially processors, RAM and SSD drives. Some graphics cards have also been on sale at very interesting prices, so no, It is not a bad idea to renew equipment on these dates, and even more if we take into account the latest forecasts that speak of a possible increase in the price of graphics cards.

Now it’s your turn Do you plan to renew your PC at Christmas? What component do you need most? The comments are yours, we read each other. And remember that if you need advice for a future update you can leave your doubts in the comments and I will be happy to help you solve them.

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