According to what the recruitment company, Walters People, tells us, starting an international career can be a great boost for professional development, which does not always tend to be accompanied by Better remuneration conditions and benefits.
The recruitment and temporary work company specializing in junior, technical, management and qualified support profiles, Walters People, points out that, depending on whether the job search abroad is motivated by personal or professional objectives, the choice of destination, criteria and vision They completely change focus. Sometimes it is necessary to make a lateral career move or even a step back to demonstrate the value that a new professional can bring in a new market.
“In addition to the professional benefits that it implies, working abroad offers the opportunity to live a unique and unforgettable experience. Companies of different sizes, regardless of the sector, value those professional profiles with work experience abroad, since they demonstrate a high capacity to adapt to any circumstance and environment”, points Fabian Treasurera Venezuelan who developed his professional career in London, and who later joined the Walters People Barcelona team.
The importance of the destination
The most common countries and with a great reputation are those that register a higher competitiveness index, both in accessing the labor market and when it comes to standing out professionally at the curricular level.
On the contrary, venturing to work in an emerging market becomes an attractive option, since a professional increases the chances of becoming part of a new team or project, and of having greater autonomy to develop initiatives and projects from scratch. . As a result, the career growth curve is much steeper, something that enriches the CV.
“Depending on your current place of residence and nationality, your ideal destination may be limited by procedures, deadlines and permits. My advice is that before choosing a country in which to start an international career, find out about all the requirements. If you currently work in a multinational, you can consult what are the possibilities of international mobility. Your company can inform you of the global vacancies available and what are the limitations that you may find in each destination”advises Treasurer.
It is recommended to choose a project with transferable skills
“If your plan is to work abroad for a few years and then return to your country of origin, make sure that the positions you are applying for do not risk becoming obsolete or are limited to the market needs of that country”highlights Treasurer.
perform a function overly specialized abroad can be considered a mistake, since it is likely that the same position or function does not have an equivalent in the country of origin. This is the case of positions related to the legal, risk or compliance area. However, projects of a technical nature in areas such as digital marketing, e-commerce or programming do not usually present this obstacle, since they have skills that are transferable and adaptable to any country.
When the professional objective is to stay in another country for a long period of time, it is advisable to broaden the range of possibilities registering for job vacancies that differ from current responsibilities, and even from the sector in which they are working in the country of origin, in order to further enrich the professional profile.
“A market change implies facing the unknown in multiple aspects, and this is something of which companies are fully aware. For this reason, companies tend to offer international candidates a position of a transitory nature or with a lesser degree of responsibility. But this is something that compensates, since once the adaptation periodthe opportunities for growth and professional projection are usually much greater than in the country of origin”concludes Fabian Treasurer, Senior Manager at Walters People.