
The advance of The Boys that surely you have not seen

The Boys season 3 teaser that mimics the news

In the video, first there is talk of draft Of New Superheroes Going To Graduate From Godolkin University and how they have the opportunity to land a lucrative defense contract from the cities of Miami, Cleveland and Los Angeles.

Next, it is commented the new comedy starring Termite, the superhero who can shrink even the tiny and that is titled Pocket Romance. The presenter elaborates on a good handful of truisms of this type of films, before moving on to the next section.

In it, it is said that another superhero, Blue hawk, you will have your own reality called: Red, White & Blue Justice, in which the hero will be seen to deliver justice on the streets of Trenton, much like the show Cops that was so successful on American television.

Boasting of fairness and giving voice to all opinions, anchor introduces the character of Hugh Campbell, one of the main protagonists, as a senior analyst for the FBSA (the Federal Office for Superhuman Affairs). This is Congresswoman Neuman’s task force, which tries to control the Superheros and expose those with suspicious activities.

The interview with Hugh Campbell

The main segment of the trailer is this and begins with a leading question from the presenter, in which ask Campbell to answer why the FBSA hates superheroes.

Campbell tries to explain himself, but the increasingly belligerent presenter asks him if they don’t hate them, why are they doing a witch hunt. The topic Ezekiel comes up, with an increasingly raunchy discussion, until the host cuts Hughie’s bus and rants against an anti-American FSBA.

After a pause with a fake pizza commercial, the host praises the superheroes again, with a news of the Crimson Countess and her work with chimpanzees, including recording your new single.

The search for the seventh member of All 7 gives rise to ad from another reality more, called American hero, where 10 superhumans will try to take over the precious hole. Starlight will introduce it.

Stormfront and Homelander

In the penultimate segment, we talk about Homelander and how he has apologized once more, claiming that he did not know that Stormfront I was a Nazi. The presenter makes a defense of the leader of the 7 and ends the newscast with the exclusive that, shortly, it will have a one-hour program.

The irony, not very fine, is that the presenter does not stop repeating proclamations for impartiality and truth, while being totally biased on the subject of superheroes and shows a radical profile.

As we see, The boys It seems that he returns with the same dose of bad blood and social criticism that has characterized previous seasons. The June 3 we will see if it is still correct at the time of executing that just as well as in the first two seasons.

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