
The best movies to watch when you’re stoned

Has your garden from marijuana seeds (click here) finally borne sticky flowers? Now’s the time to savor the fruits of your labor. No other intoxicated pastime beats our list of best movies to watch while high.

Whether you’re a fan of side-splitting comedies or mind-blowing mysteries, there’s something for you below. Light up, sit back, and let content take you for a ride.

1. Dazed and Confused

Dazed and Confused is a coming-of-age story that captures the zeitgeist of the 1970s. Jason London plays ‘Pink’ Floyd struggling to balance his upcoming college obligations with his party lifestyle. The light-heated plot leaves room for heavy-hitting themes as the boys celebrate their last days of youth.

This title sends you down memory lane. It brings back the times when the beers were cold and responsibilities few and far between. The old-school aesthetic and rambling dialogue pair perfectly with a puff.

2. The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski is an iconic weed movie. Jeff Bridgers plays ‘The Dude,’ the quintessential stoner with a slacker attitude and philosophical worldview. After getting mistaken for a millionaire, he and his bowling buddies get roped into a bizarre kidnapping case.

The Coen brothers outdid themselves with this stoner film. The storyline is engaging but represented in a chill manner, never requiring too much attention. You can follow the plot or sit back and soak in The Dude’s laid-back vibes and epic one-liners.

3. Silent Hill

Silent Hill is a game-based story with a trippy narrative and disturbing visuals. Radha Mitchell is Rose, a desperate mother who’s lost her daughter in a strange and lonely town. The space soon starts shifting between dimensions, and she must face atrocities to avoid getting trapped.

This film isn’t for the faint of heart, even when you’re sober. If you’re a horror head, you’ll find the ambiance perfect after a bowl.

4. Friday

‘Stoner funny’ is a category of jokes that might make you snort while sober but become hysterical when you’re high. Friday is a goldmine of this type of humor. Starring Ice Cube, it tells the tale of Craig, a hood dude having a terrible day. His friend is in a jam for owing money to a local dealer, and he has to help.

The film depicts the struggle of living in the inner city through a series of strange situations. It’s relatable, hilarious, and at times, surprisingly raw for its genre.

5. Pineapple Express

Named after an iconic strain, this action-comedy drops a group of perma-stoners in the heat of a criminal conspiracy. The plot involves a corrupt cop, a drug lord, and a grow op for Saul Silver and Dale Denton to bumble through.

This cult classic comments on America’s Drug War while delighting you with engaging action scenes and slapstick comedy. Best watched high, Pineapple Express delivers an inspiring story of camaraderie and quotable jokes for days. Play it after visiting the best seed banks in the United States for a taste of the namesake sativa.

6. The Shape of Water

One of Guillermo del Toro’s best films, The Shape of Water, is as touching as it is thought-provoking. It’s about a lonely janitor at a top-secret research facility. She discovers a creature held in captivity and the two fall in love. The chemistry between Sally Hawkins and Doug Jones is palpable.

The story takes place against the backdrop of a Cold War America as Elisa struggles with hard decisions. This title is guaranteed to touch on your very soul.

7. Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny

The Pick of Destiny is the best movie to watch while high and in a goofy mood. Two wannabe rockers set out on a quest to steal a legendary guitar pick from a maximum-security museum. Their silly adventures happen to the tune of catchy rock music sung by none other than Jack Black.

The storyline is ridiculous but laced with themes of friendship and ambition. You’ll soon be giggling and singing along, your inhibitions gone.

8. Howl’s Moving Castle

Howl’s Moving Castle is Studio Ghibli’s crowning achievement. It features Sophie, a young girl turned haggard 90-year-old, freeing a fire demon to restore her youthful appearance. Like all Ghibli titles, it makes more sense once you watch it.

This feature appears whimsical, but it sends a strong anti-war message and underlines the power of compassion. The visuals are extravagant, and the landscapes gorgeous, encouraging analysis, introspection, and aesthetic appreciation.

9. Donnie Darko

Not all 420 movies are funny. Some make you ponder the nature of time and life itself. Donnie Darko fits in that category, promising a seriously trippy psychological experience.

Jake Gyllenhaal plays an awkward teenager with schizophrenia who’s recently stopped taking his medications. He befriends a figure in a bunny costume and learns the world will end in 28 days. Time-warping adventures continue and culminate in a mind-boggling ending. We can’t say more without spoilers.

Stoner cinema for all

Our list of best high movies includes something for every toker. Laugh along at a stoner comedy, tear up at a heartfelt drama, or savor suspense with a trippy thriller. Buy seeds, grow a stash, and set yourself up for countless nights of intoxicated content consumption.

Jennifer Gallagher

Jennifer Gallagher, an experienced cannabis grower at SeedSupreme Seedbank. During a 7-year career in the marijuana growing business, Jennifer has gained a high competence in this field. As far as weed is concerned, she knows it all inside out. Jennifer is an expert in pot-growing, as well as cannabis types and their effects. She’s also familiar with all legislation nuances.

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