Simply by having access to your email, for example, they could gain access to many other accounts. They will be able to recover passwords, impersonate your identity, read information that you have stored… But there are many more options that can also compromise your security and privacysuch as a Trojan being slipped in and they can take control of your device.
What is a golden ticket
A golden ticket is what computer security researchers call the fact that an attacker has lots of information and access to your data. It is something like a free way to control your accounts and have a great ability to launch scams. They will be able to access your device, see all the stored content, passwords, personal information…
But how do they achieve all this control? they can do it to attack windows directory where essential files are stored. They can collect account information, security identifier, passwords… All this will give you the possibility to have full control. They can use Phishing attacks, for example, for this purpose.
Once they have managed to access the system and have full control, they can see everything stored in the directory, credentials, passwords, impersonate your identity… In addition, they will be able to have long-term access, as long as you do not take measures to solve this problem of security.
How to avoid it
How can you avoid this problem? Luckily, simply by following a series of steps you will have a lot of gain. It’s fundamental keep credentials private admin. This is key to avoiding intruders who can impersonate your identity. They are the most valuable credentials as it opens the door to a lot of data.
You should also be careful with Phishing attacks. As we have mentioned, it is a technique that they use to gain control of the accounts. They can send you a fake email, an SMS or even through social networks. The goal is always to get you to click on a link and log in through a fake page.
Another tip is regularly change your passwords, especially those to access sensitive systems or platforms that may be the target of cybercriminals. Always use reliable, secure keys that are very difficult to find out. That will give you good protection so you don’t have problems.
Besides, protect the device well is another factor to take into account. Always install a good antivirus and make sure that your computer is correctly updated. This will help you enhance security and reduce the risk of suffering computer attacks of all kinds. It doesn’t matter what operating system you use, or what type of device.
Ultimately, as you see an attack of golden ticket it is when a cybercriminal has full control over your device. It is the dream attack, since it will be able to access information of all kinds, passwords, etc. It is also key to protect IoT devices, so any device must be safe at home.