There is no doubt that the M1 processors and their recently launched variants are the crown star at Apple. It has been a long time since an internal component of an Apple product was as good as this M1 processor is used by Macs and iPad Pro.
That is why Apple on this occasion wanted to thank the engineers for the work done with this M1 processor and give them a t-shirt with the logo of the year to end the year that you go from one of us would like to have.
The M1 is a real success
And is that the M1 processor is destroying everything in its path And there is already talk of the arrival of this processor for the new Mac Pro, the most powerful equipment that Apple has in its catalog and that may end up succumbing to the benefits of this processor. One of the engineers wanted to share Apple’s gift on the networks and logically it circulated like wildfire among the specialized media:
last day of the year special delivery! # m1 team, proud to have worked on PowerPC to Intel and now M1 transitions #Manzana
– aboretto
Beyond Apple’s own gift to its engineers, the company is clear that this processor is a true diamond for its devices. It offers us the possibility of launching products whenever they want, updating them at any time, they offer a really high performance in terms of performance and energy efficiency, It is undoubtedly the best processor that Apple itself has ever had or created..