
What is the impact of wages on the mental health of workers and the cost to companies

The digital health partner, ALAN, has published the I Barometer on Mental Health of Spanish workers. In it, he highlights shocking data, such as that more than half of those under 35 years of age would resign from their job today because they see their mental health at risk.

In addition, we have figures for how salary affects mental health, and what is the economic impact of sick leave. Thus, 15% of sick leave in Spain in 2022 were due to mental health. And the barometer shows that, to those who have between €500 and €999 monthly incomeIt is much more difficult for them to talk about how they feel in the workplace (38% find it difficult), compared to those who earn between €3,000 and €5,000 a month (only 22% find it difficult).

In line with the above, those with higher incomes or those with an easier time getting ahead financially also show more ease in talking openly about How do they feel psychologically?

For those who have between €500 and €999 in monthly income, it is much more complex to talk about how they feel about their families (38% find it difficult), compared to those who earn between €3,000 and €5,000 per month (only 22% find it difficult).

84% of people who find it “very easy” to get by on their income believe it is easy to talk to their family how are they psychologically. A figure that falls to 58% in people with difficulty getting ahead.

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In the workplace, the trend is the same. 67% of people who carry the month easily find it easy Talk about your psychological situation with co-workers. However, this percentage drops to 55% when you don’t get ahead with the same ease.

Talk to the boss?

When it comes to talking to senior line managers or HR H H. the differences are even greater. In the first case, 51% of those who are comfortable getting ahead with their income find it easy to deal with these issues. Compared to 35% in the event that it is more difficult for them.

In front of HR H H. These percentages are 54 and 37% respectively, making it clear that the feeling of security is one of the keys to making it easier for employees to express how they feel psychologically. Both inside and outside the workplace

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