
What types of services can be included in the flexible remuneration

Flexible remuneration plans are adapted to the employee needs, which allows combining the services in the way they prefer by virtue of their demands. In this way, flexible remuneration can include different types of services, among which stand out the restaurant check, transport card or nursery check. Next, we will review the most important ones:

restaurant check

It is perhaps the most popular flexible compensation service, as it refers to an activity that employees must perform every day. The restaurant check allows the worker to choose from the network of establishments associated with the company with which the organization has contracted services, their favorite restaurant.

Through this ticket, you can have an expense of up to 11 euros per day, exempt from personal income tax, which represents considerable savings. In addition, the new work models are also taken into account since the restaurant check aid cannot be eliminated with teleworking, as determined by different judgments of the National Court. The goal is for employees to save time and resources normally spent preparing food.

transport card

Especially useful in large cities such as Madrid or Barcelona where employees usually travel to their workplace by bus, metro or train. This tax exemption is up to 136.36 euros per month per worker, which translates into a annual cap of 1,500 euros per person.

Likewise, this service encourages public transport to move comfortably and sustainably around the city, contributing to reducing the number of emissions and promoting a more sustainable economy.

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nursery check

These aids, as the name itself indicates, are intended exclusively for parents with children, who are between zero and three years old. This remuneration not only has a decisive effect on the economic sphere but also contributes to family reconciliation, since it is a necessity for working couples with children.

Health insurance

It is one of the most demanded products, especially since the situation generated by the pandemic, a circumstance that rebounds due to the saturation of public services. This product can be applied both to the worker himself and to family members, including the spouse and descendants.

Companies can deduct up to 500 euros from corporate tax for each worker they have insured. Employees, for their part, do not pay taxes for this concept up to 500 euros per year.


It is a product that is highly appreciated by the worker, since it increasingly demands more aid related to training, either in languages or in other matters related to his profession. Another option is for the training to take place within the organization itself. This is a way to improve the productivity and improvement of the human team. In addition, it favors the attraction and retention of talent.

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