
Why PLCs sometimes start to go wrong and slow down

Reasons why PLCs suddenly go bad

These are the main reasons why this problem can appear. You navigate normally, with a good speed, but sometimes you notice that PLCs stop doing so well. The speed drops drastically, interruptions and problems may appear when using other devices to surf the network.

electronic device close up

One reason is if you put some electronic device close. This can create interference and cause PLCs to start going bad. A clear example is if you turn on a microwave, since it works at a frequency close to 2.4 GHz. Also if you use any other device that can use Bluetooth.

To prevent this from happening, it is very important that you avoid having devices near the PLCs. Ideally, they should be in an isolated location, from which they can distribute the Internet well but there are no other appliances that can create interference and make the connection not work as we would like.

Have you plugged something into the power strip?

Do you plug the PLCs into a power strip? This is not a good idea, so if you connect any device to that strip it can generate interference and cause it to lose power. If you see that the PLCs start to go wrong suddenly and you do not connect them directly to the electricity, try to see if this is the reason.

Once again, the ideal is that the PLCs are in an isolated place, connected to electricity directly and not through a power strip. This will allow the signal to go better, without the annoying cuts appearing.

Devices to connect PLC Wi-Fi


maybe the gadgets are saturated at one point. For example, if you have suddenly connected other devices and the capacity has been exceeded. They may still work, but they won’t work at full capacity. The more devices you connect, the more problems you may have.

In this case, what you can do is reduce the number of devices you connect. Try to keep the PLCs in the best possible state and that they offer a good connection for the devices that really need the speed and stability to be correct.

Use of other devices

Another reason why PLC devices can start to go wrong is if you are using other devices and suddenly make a mistake. great use of connection. For example, a computer that you have connected and you start downloading large files or uploading documents to the cloud. This will affect other appliances as well.

This problem will depend especially on what the PLC devices you use are like. There are larger and smaller capacity ones, so you may have problems with a specific model if you use it a little more intensely, while with others you won’t notice anything. That is why it is a good idea to choose the PLC devices well.

Therefore, as you have seen, these are some of the reasons why PLC devices can sometimes start to go wrong. The idea is that you keep them in good condition and ensure that the signal quality is adequate so that you can connect other devices wirelessly without interruptions.

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