Today’s technology greatly helps us to interact with our family and friends in a much more comfortable and efficient way. For example, we can make use of different applications and platforms to never forget the birthday of our loved ones, as with the trick that we will show you below.
On most occasions we carry with us a mobile device loaded with software to be able to take advantage of it anywhere and at any time. Many of these are based on Google’s Android operating system, which is also accompanied by various extremely useful applications. Largely due to the large number of users around the globe who use the search giant’s applications, the company does not stop improving them through more useful and advanced functions.
Now a new functionality is beginning to be released that will be of enormous help to us so as not to forget any birthday again. And it is that the search giant has currently unveiled an innovative function that will come to its Contacts application. So that we get a better idea of what we are talking about, the new feature provides its users with alerts on the birthdays of their beloved.
It must be taken into account that this technological firm, like many others, is working so that we can connect and interact with our friends and family in a more comfortable and effective way. This novelty that we are talking about now is a clear example of all this. It is clear that its main objective is to help us remember important dates like birthdays.
This is how the function to remember birthdays works
Hence, Google Contacts is preparing for the arrival of a new function that will help us congratulate our loved ones on that special day. At first it is becoming known as Birthday Notifications. This is actually a feature that allows users to select friends and family whose birthdays they want to be reminded of on time.
It is intended to improve the Contacts app by Google by providing tools so we can interact with the people we care about. With the aforementioned novelty, we will no longer have to worry about the usual forgetfulness of the birthdays of our loved ones. First of all, it is essential that we manually add the date of birth to the Contacts application. Now, once this is done, the integrated novelty will appear with a new menu option located in the upper right corner of the app.
Here we will have the opportunity to activate the option Add birthday notification for that specific contact. What we achieve with all this is to set reminders for that person’s birthday. What’s more, when the indicated date approaches, the reminder that will also include an Add notification button. We must bear in mind that, unlike Facebook’s birthday reminders, here we will not be able to activate these notifications for all contacts at once.
This means that we will be forced to activate new notifications manually for each person. At the same time we must keep in mind that these changes will be synchronized in all devices in which we use this account. We should also know that the search giant is currently working on this functionality that will soon reach the entire world.