
With this trick they can know everything you do in your day to day

Maintain complete privacy On the Internet, it is more and more complicated. Even without you knowing it, many times you are leaving a trace on the network. That trace can be detected by anyone and know more about you than you can imagine. We are going to tell you a trick that they could use to find out a lot about what you do in your day to day, where you move, what you have visited… You will see that, perhaps, they can find out a lot without you knowing it.

It is about the google reviews. It is something very common today. You can leave reviews of a restaurant, a cafeteria, a hotel, a store where you usually go shopping… Basically, anything. The problem is that, without you knowing it, all of this can end up in the hands of anyone. Yeah, literally anyone could see everything you do.

Google reviews, a privacy hole

But why can it be a problem for privacy? If you have used google maps and you have left reviews in different places, anyone could see it. For example, perhaps you have taken a trip to a certain city or a certain country, and you have wanted to leave a review of the restaurants where you have eaten, of the hotel where you have stayed, of tourist visits that you have done… You can even accompany it with photos, where you could include the receipt of what you have spent in a cafeteria, for example.

Anyone would simply have to enter one of those Google Maps profiles where you have left a review, find your comment and hit your profile photo. From there, I would have access to all the reviews you’ve previously left. They can see if you have visited certain places, if you have eaten in a restaurant, what you think about a specific store… In short, a lot of information can be exposed.

Maybe you don’t want all of that to be available to everyone. You may just want to leave a good (or bad) review for a particular place, but you wouldn’t want just anyone to be able to see what you’ve posted. Even someone who works at that store, or is a customer and knows you, could see all of that.

Privacy issue when logging in with Facebook or Google

Improve privacy

Can you do something to improve privacy? The truth is that yes, although it is an option that few people take into account. You always can make those reviews privatethat they are not available so that anyone can see what you have put on the Internet, where you have moved, if you like something in particular or not, etc.

To avoid this, you simply have to open Google Maps on your mobile, click on the icon of your account, which appears at the top right, enter Settings, go to personal content and there you go down to the Restricted Profile option. That is what will help you increase privacy and avoid all this that we have explained.

When you make your profile restricted, you’ll need to approve new followers who can see your reviews, pictures, or any content you post on your profile. You will improve privacy in different ways. Therefore, it is an option that you will have at your disposal in Google Maps.

Just as you can prevent tracking in Chrome, you can apply it to services like the one we mentioned. you can always take certain precautionary measures to avoid problems, to ensure that privacy and security are present at all times.

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