
You can trick ChatGPT to generate keys and activate Windows

Sure, if you’ve already tried ChatGPT, You have asked him to do something of dubious morality. For example, you have asked him to create a malicious program, to write things that he is not originally programmed to do (like a horror story about Artificial Intelligence), or why not, to help us download illegal content? or to activate programs. Initially, this AI is capable of recognizing all these facts and is capable of making the decision not to help us. But. Is it really infallible, or can it be tricked relatively easily to achieve our goals?

Artificial Intelligence, and the platforms that bring it closer to people, such as ChatGPT, have a very short time: less than 4 months. We are facing something totally revolutionary within the technology sector, which has grown very fast, and which, for better or worse, we still do not control and do not know very well how it works. It is vital that the companies responsible for creating and training these AIs are able to teach them to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.

Generate Windows ChatGPT Key

However, there are always users who are one step ahead of the training provided by these companies and manage to perform tasks as curious as the one we find ourselves in today: generate valid keys to activate Windows.

This is how ChatGPT generated a Windows 95 activation key

the YouTuber ender man carried out an experiment with which it has been able to generate up to 30 keys to activate Windows 95 directly from ChatGPT. And best of all, after generating the keys, the YouTuber tested them and was able to activate windows with one of them. Of course, always within a virtual machine and for research purposes.

It is true that when asked for Windows 95 activation keys, the chat refused to provide them as it was an illegal activity. However, since it is an operating system that is almost 30 years old, the character structures are more than familiar. Therefore, ChatGPT was asked to generate 30 character strings, with such a structure, in search of a true key.

Generate Windows 95 keys with AI

As the YouTuber assures, the only problem that prevents the 30 caves from being valid is that ChatGPT fails to do simple math: cannot count the sum of the digits and does not know its divisibility. However, chance wanted one of the 30 generated keys was authenticand was able to activate Windows 95 thanks to it.

You can see the full video below.

Could you generate Windows 10 or Windows 11 keys?

It is one thing to activate Windows 95, which is almost 30 years old and whose key structure is well known, and quite another to generate authentic keys to be able to activate a system like Windows 10 or Windows 11 with them. The way these systems generate keys is infinitely more complex, and the structure for generating the keys is not yet known. In addition, now they must pass an online verification system that can detect any invalid key and block it, contrary to what happened with Windows 95, where the activation key was nothing more than the CD key to be able to continue with the installation of the SW.

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