There are platforms that are highly sought after by hackers to launch attacks. One of them, without a doubt, is WhatsApp. It is a program that we use daily, where we can have many stored conversations and files that we have sent. Today we echo a new campaign that is capable of steal WhatsApp backupsso they will be able to have access to the conversations and photos, videos or documents that you have exchanged.
It is a type of malware that they have called GravityRAT. What it seeks is to steal data from the victims’ devices through an app, which is actually a Trojan, known as BingeChat. Although it can affect different programs, they have recently detected that it is especially focused on WhatsApp conversations and the backup copies of this messaging application.
They steal WhatsApp chats and photos
It should be mentioned that this campaign known as GravityRAT is not a novelty. In fact, it has been affecting Android users for months. But it is now when, from ESET, they have detected that they can steal WhatsApp backups with their latest version. This is what puts the conversations and all the files exchanged at risk.
The WhatsApp backups they are very useful. They are used to transfer all the conversation history, multimedia files or any document to another phone where you are going to install the application. A way to keep everything and not lose anything. But of course, if all that ends up in the wrong hands, we have a problem.
That is what happens with GravityRAT. Cybercriminals have access to your WhatsApp backups and can see all the saved conversations and any files that you have sent or received. But how do they send you this malware? It spreads via a fake app called BingeChat. It is supposedly an app for encrypted conversations that has different interesting functions.
If you install it by mistake, your device Android It gets infected and that’s where the problem starts. It will ask for certain permissions, such as access to contacts, location, phone, SMS, storage, call log, microphone, and camera. These are common permissions in this type of program, but it will allow you to access files of all kinds that we have stored on the device, in those WhatsApp backups.
protect yourself
How can you protect yourself from this campaign that steals WhatsApp conversations? It really is simple. The main thing is the common sense. Do not install applications that do not come from official sources. A clear example is this app called BingeChat. Whenever you install programs, whatever it is, it is essential that you download it from official sources.
It is also important to have the updated device. In many cases, hackers will exploit security flaws that may exist. It is key that you have the latest version of Android, as well as any software you have installed on the device and fix those vulnerabilities.
On the other hand, it is a good idea to have security programs. A good antivirus can help you detect malware that could steal your personal data, files, or compromise your computer. Just as you must act if they send a false message on WhatsApp, you must do it in case they send a malicious file.
As you see, they can steal your WhatsApp conversations and files if you make mistakes. This campaign is directly targeting this popular app and you need to take action to avoid getting into trouble.