
Careful! Soon you may have to change all your passwords for this reason

A few years ago, a normal password could have just letters or numbers. Little by little they were introducing measures and many platforms did not force us to change the keys we had to avoid problems. For example, they asked us to have a password with a capital letter or an additional symbol, for example. But it seems that there is a change that many services can apply.

Change to strengthen passwords

It is a added security measuresuch as the ones we have mentioned. On this occasion, what they ask for is that there be no more than three letters or three numbers in a row. What does this mean? If in your password, whatever it is, there are three continuous letters, it is no longer considered so secure and they will ask you to enter another one.

It is something that, for now, we have only seen on a few platforms, mainly banks. they have put it like one more complement to the traditional measures of putting uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, special symbols and that it had at least a number of characters.

What can this mean? There is several options. The first is that, when you start registering on platforms, you find more and more what we mentioned. They will ask you not to put four letters or four numbers in a row, but a maximum of three. But it could also happen that some platforms that you already use, such as a bank account, ask you to change the password and put another one that meets these requirements.

As we say, for now it is something that is not very present, but it is similar to when a few years ago we began to see the requirement to put capital letters, symbols and numbers in the keys to make them secure. The idea is to be able to prevent, or at least make it very difficult, brute force attacks.

Save passwords at home

Create complex keys

The best way to create passwords that are completely secure is that they contain letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and special symbols. Must be totally random, so you should never put words or digits that make sense. Do not put your name, mobile number or anything similar.

Furthermore, it is essential that do not use it elsewhere. A password can be very strong, but if it were leaked by some vulnerability, it could expose all the accounts where you are also using it. Therefore, always use a different one for each account you have on the Internet.

Another point to keep in mind is that it is convenient change it from time to time. Even if you have the best possible password, it’s not always going to be that way. It may have been exposed at some point. It is good to change it from time to time. Although there is no set time, if you change it every three months it will be better than every year.

In short, as you can see, it is possible that you will soon have to change your passwords if there are more platforms that require a maximum of three letters or three numbers in a row and you have passwords that are like this. You can always use Have I Been Pwned to see if your passwords are secure.

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