
Elden Ring turns one year old and it’s still not a game for you

On February 25 it arrived on the market Elden Ring for PC and consoles (except Nintendo Switch) and it goes without saying that it was the most successful title of 2022. Not only because of its impact as soon as it set foot in the stores, but also because of the general recognition that allowed it to win the Game Award for the best title in all categories. Now, do you think it is still a game designed for you?

Posture as a way of life

We all know FromSoftware and their fondness for complicated games. Demon’s Soulsall the Dark Souls either bloodborne are the sign that Its developments are focused on a very specific type of user that he is delighted to suffer and that he turns every little confrontation with an enemy, whatever the level, into a battle against a final boss.

You just have to remember how bloodborneexclusive to PS4, it was a real odyssey trying to reach the first half of the map beginning and that each confrontation was transformed into a journey towards death. That difficulty of which they boast has become in the last year a kind of measuring rod that separates the authentic gamers of those that are not.

Needless to say, this is not the case. It’s obvious. Elden Ring he launched himself between sentences of the darksouleros that this time FromSoftware had lowered the difficulty, “That it would no longer be so complicated” and that a greater number of those players who such a difficult difficulty makes them give up at the first change could enjoy it. Do you feel identified with that profile? Of course, as it happens to all of us.

elden ring

Elden Ring in the drawer

Because of those phrases that I heard prior to its launch, I trusted myself. I thought that “this time yes, I will show others that I am a gamer with pixels on the chestยป and I had no doubts. I bought the game on Xbox Series X | S and I started walking through its fields. Result? That my character passed away like 30 times in just one hour. Call it clumsiness, impatience or nerves for being surrounded by such rocky enemies, but the truth is that if FromSoftware had lowered the difficulty, it had been very, very little.

I perceived this same sensation in comments from friends who had also stung with Elden Ring. They had bought it, they tweeted some photos all happy getting into the game but then nothing else was known. I asked them to find out what had happened and the answers were vague: “well, now I don’t have time”, “let’s see if I push it for hours”, “blablabla”. Shall I summarize what happened? That the difficulty had expelled them from the game, they were not going to try to be heroes gamers trying to prove that they are up to FromSoftware.

So a year later, Elden Ring It’s still not a game to you. Despite its success, its units sold and all the awards it has won. It’s still a FromSoftware product and they haven’t lowered any difficulty, at least for an average user who wants the right complications, so if you haven’t tried it yet… let it go. Although it has completed a year in stores and everyone says that it is the seventh wonder.

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